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API Integration with Updated Dataset Version

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a standardized, documented interface that allows one computer application to "talk" to another mythdhr computer application.

Others in the thread have given similar definitions, but they've missed the most important part: standardized and documented.


Without an API, Application X has to directly integrate with Application Y. That works ... until something changes in Application Y that breaks the integration. Then Application X has to update or re-do their integration ... _until something changes in myapron Application Y that breaks that updated integration. And so on.


I was given the task of: "Use MySQL Workbench to create an EER diagram for a database that stores information about the downloads that users make." for a particular database.
I have an EER diagram/model built for the database in question, but I'm not sure how to go about the whole "for a database that stores information about the downloads that users make" bit.


Excellent Blog! Thanks for sharing such important information. Your post is very helpful for me. The Goodwood is one of the Best Interior Designers in Noida. We have provided different types of Designing like Modular Kitchen, Interior Designing.


Mcdonald's Breakfast Hours 2021 Mcdonald's  breakfast hours keep changing from day to day. They have different timings for some days like Thanks giving, Memorial Day, New Yearโ€™s , and Easter. This food chain restaurant is always open for the customers, but there has been a couple of changes in the timing as well as dine-in of McDonaldโ€™s due to the current pandemic situation in 2021. 


Thanks for sharing this information! 
I think it might be really helpful for beginner engineers as for business owners. 
For example, my company developed a lot of projects for our clients, with integrations of different APIs that are especially crucial in such industries as gaming, e-commerce, healthcare software development, and that speeds up the development process significantly.


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