I'm using the PHP SDK found here: http://developer.authorize.net/downloads/#php_sdk and am looking for any updated documentation as it pertains to the ARBGetSubscriptionStatusResponse. In looking at the ARB guide here http://www.authorize.net/support/ARB_guide.pdf there is no documentatino on this. I did find some documentation on it here http://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/News-and-Announcements/New-ARB-Call-ARBGetSubscriptionSt... but it is from 2009. Specifically I'm using the getSubscriptionStatus function from the SDK and trying to figure out what to expect for possible status values from the response and what each of them corrisponds to. Thank you for any help anyone can provide.
08-01-2012 01:15 PM
Hi rjunkethan,
The possible values for a subscription's status are:
You can also check this article for more details.
08-06-2012 03:32 PM