I am able to generate a token and populate a hidden form field with that token. The Submit button posts to "https://accept.authorize.net/payment/payment". But all that is show in a blank page. What am I missing?
I am using our production environment which is set to Live.
I have searched and I can't find any help on this. Thank you.
Here is the some of content of the last token retrieved
<input type="hidden" name="Token" id="Token" value="UnNqerae/80nyUnUUXKonp47t [REMOVED THE REST OF THIS BUT YOU GET THE IDEA]">
Here is where I request the token:
Function getHostedPaymentPageToken(amount As Decimal) As string
Console.WriteLine("GetAnAcceptPaymentPage Sample")
AuthorizeNet.Api.Controllers.Bases.ApiOperationBase(Of ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse).RunEnvironment = AuthorizeNet.Environment.PRODUCTION
Dim transactionKey as string="***"
Dim merchantAuthType as new merchantAuthenticationType()
With merchantAuthType
.name = loginID
.ItemElementName = ItemChoiceType.transactionKey
.Item = transactionKey
End With
AuthorizeNet.Api.Controllers.Bases.ApiOperationBase(Of ANetApiRequest,ANetApiResponse).MerchantAuthentication=merchantAuthType
Dim settings As settingType() = New settingType(1) {}
settings(0) = New settingType()
settings(0).settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedPaymentButtonOptions.ToString()
settings(0).settingValue = "{""text"": ""Pay""}"
settings(1) = New settingType()
settings(1).settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedPaymentOrderOptions.ToString()
settings(1).settingValue = "{""show"": true}"
' authorize capture only
Dim transactionRequest = New transactionRequestType()
With transactionRequest
.transactionType = transactionTypeEnum.authCaptureTransaction.ToString()
.amount = amount
End With
Dim request = New getHostedPaymentPageRequest()
request.transactionRequest = transactionRequest
request.hostedPaymentSettings = settings
' instantiate the contoller that will call the service
Dim controller = New getHostedPaymentPageController(request)
' get the response from the service (errors contained if any)
Dim aResponse = controller.GetApiResponse()
If aResponse IsNot Nothing AndAlso aResponse.messages.resultCode = messageTypeEnum.Ok Then
trace.write("Message code : " + aResponse.messages.message(0).code)
trace.write("Message text : " + aResponse.messages.message(0).text)
trace.write("Token : " + aResponse.token)
ElseIf aResponse IsNot Nothing Then
trace.write("Error: " & aResponse.messages.message(0).code & " " & aResponse.messages.message(0).text)
trace.write("Failed to get hosted payment page")
End If
Return aResponse.token
End Function
07-18-2017 12:34 PM
I am not using sandbox. Is this because of the token I am passing as a hidden field? What can cause this?
08-01-2017 11:46 AM
It is not because of the token being in a hidden input. Are you getting an error message like "Missing or invalid token" or just a completely blank page? Are you targeting an iframe?
08-01-2017 12:05 PM
Additional troubleshooting steps:
Try stripping it down to its most basic level. Make a basic HTML form like this:
<html> <head> <title>Form test page</title> </head> <body> <form method="post" action="https://accept.authorize.net/payment/payment"> Token: <textarea rows="8" cols="100" name="token" value="" ></textarea> <br><br> <input type="submit" value="Get the payment form" /> </form> </body> </html>
Generate a token. Paste that token into this form. Submit the form. If you get a payment page, everything's working correctly and there's some other problem in your production code. If this test still ends up with a blank page, either there's a problem on our end, or something you submitted in the token request is in error, but still generated a token even though that token couldn't be used.
08-03-2017 04:48 PM - edited 08-04-2017 06:12 AM