I am using the CIM api and popup.js, iframeCommunicator.html provided by
authorize.net to popup
the 'Add New Payment Method' in an iframe following the instructions from the CIM documentation. The
code works fine on IE. On firefox, and chrome, the popup displays correctly, however,
the dialog does not close when user clicked on 'Save' or 'Cancel'. The dialog content displays
'Your information has been saved.' after user clicks on 'Save' . This problem is reproducible on some
firefox(v 8.0) instances and chrome(15.0.874.121) but on not all firefox or chrome(15.0.874.121).
getHostedProfilePage() call.
The site is running in google app engine.
The only error I saw in ff's 'Error Console' is
'Permission denied to access property 'AuthorizenetPopup' on firefox' when the popup is loaded.
Please let me know how to fix or debug this problem. Thanks for your help!