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Authorize.Net ARB Client Emails

Does anyone have a running list of ARB Client notification emails sent after an order is approved or declined?



Trusted Contributor
Trusted Contributor

Hey Hasan,


When you say client, do you mean your merchant? If so, once each scheduled transaction in a subscription has been submitted, the merchant will receive an email from the payment gateway indicating the transaction status.


They can also configure their account in the Merchant Interface to receive the following ARB emails:


  • Daily Transaction Summary.
  • Failed Transaction Notice
  • Subscription Due for Expiration
  • Credit Card Expiration
  • Subscription Suspension
  • Subscription Termination
  • Subscription Expiration

More info on these emails can be found in the ARB guide here. Is that what you were looking for?



Developer Community Manager

All Star

Hello Michelle,


This is in reference to all ARB response emails sent to the Merchant's client or buyer.



Oh gotcha. For a merchant's customers, once a payment in a subscription is approved, if the merchant has configured the appropriate settings in the Merchant Interface, the customer would receive an email receipt. If the payment declines, no customer notification is sent. At that point, the merchant needs to contact the customer to let them know about the decline.


Other than that, there are no other emails that get sent to the customer from Authorize.Net for ARB transactions.


To check to see if an account is configured to send customer emails for ARB transactions, log into the Merchant Interface, click Account from the main toolbar, then Email Receipt under the Transaction Format Settings section. If the box next to Email customer for each successfully authorized ARB transaction is checked, the customer will receive an email after each approved payment is submitted.




Thank you very much Michelle. Do you have an example of this approval email?

Sure. It's just like any other approval email so it'll look something like this:


Example of a Customer Receipt: 

 Subject:  <Business Name> Customer Receipt/Purchase Confirmation

========= GENERAL INFORMATION =========


Merchant : 

Date/Time :

Transaction ID :


========= ORDER INFORMATION =========


Invoice : 

Description : 

Amount : 

Payment Method : 


Item : *

Description : *

Quantity : *

Unit Price : *


======== BILLING INFORMATION ========


Customer ID : 

First Name : 

Last Name : 

Company : 

Address : 

City : 

State/Province : 

Zip Code : 

Country : 

Phone :

Fax : 

E-Mail : 




First Name : 

Last Name : 

Company : 

Address : 

City : 

State/Province : 

Zip Code :

Country :



* These four items are only available if the merchant is using Simple Checkout or Itemized Order Information as outlined the AIM Implementation Guide. Please also note that these items are not available on the merchant's version of an email receipt.


Thank you Michelle!


Is subscription information included in this email? How would the customer know what interval length or subscription name they signed up for?

Hey Hasan,


No, subscription info is not included in the email. The payment gateway does not send a different email for regular transactions vs. ARB transactions. If the merchant would like the customer to know the interval length or other subscription info, they would need to do that on their end.



Thank you Michelle!

Hi Sir ,


Please provide me the the details for the question mentioned below:


I'm using sandbox account,

1) First  I'm authorizing the order while authorizing an order, Merchant and customer both are getting an email notification but  didn't get shipping address and For getting shipping address in email should I need to create CustomerShippingAddressId or I will get shipping address in email notifications without creating CustomerShippingAddressId?


2) How Can I get email notification while capturing the authorized transaction using ProfileTransPriorAuthCaptureType()?


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