I have integrated Authorize.net and Apple Pay but I keep getting the following error when submitting AMEX or MasterCard. However, when I submit a Visa from Apple Pay then no error occurs. Any idea what could be causing this issue?
"There was an error processing the payment data. Required fields are missing from decrypted data."
06-08-2020 03:54 PM
Check to ensure your Apple Merchant ID is correct and the certificates are valid. The Apple Merchant ID is tied to decrypting the payment data. Also ensure the "billTo" fields are present in the payment request.
06-09-2020 04:27 AM
We checked the Merchant ID and the certs are correct. The issue only seems to occur for AMEX and MasterCard. We're not having issue with the Visa payments. Below is the request. I'm not sure what we're missing.
{ "createTransactionRequest": { "merchantAuthentication": { "name": "5....G", "transactionKey": "7.....q" }, "refId": "12345", "transactionRequest": { "transactionType": "authCaptureTransaction", "amount": "27.59", "payment": { "opaqueData": { "dataDescriptor": "COMMON.APPLE.INAPP.PAYMENT", "dataValue": "eyJ2ZXJzaW9uIjoiRUNfdjEi.......Q2ZDg5YjgyNmMifX0=" } }, "tax": { "amount": 0.00, "name": "level2 tax name", "description": "level2 tax" }, "duty": { "amount": 0.00, "name": "duty name", "description": "duty description" }, "shipping": { "amount": 0.00, "name": "level2 tax name", "description": "level2 tax" }, "poNumber": "456654", "billTo": { "firstName": "TEST", "lastName": "TEST", "address": "42158 TEST TEST", "city": "TES", "state": "NJ", "zip": "07054", "country": "USA" }, "shipTo": { "firstName": "TEST", "lastName": "TEST", "address": "42158 TEST TEST", "city": "TES", "state": "NJ", "zip": "07054", "country": "USA" }, "customerIP": "", "retail": { "marketType": 0 } } } }
06-09-2020 11:00 AM
Hi! We are having the same issue where Visa is working but AMEX and MasterCard is coming back with the error "There was an error processing the payment data. Required fields are missing from decrypted data."
Did you resove this issue?
10-19-2021 03:18 AM
We generated the token using apple pay and transaction is successful for sandbox environment.We used exactly the same process for token generation for live environment but we get the below error:
"Required fields are missing from decrypted data".
In sandbox mode ,
PKMerchantCapability.capability3DS works, while in live mode we get below error:
"This processor does not support this method of submitting payment data."
11-10-2021 01:46 AM
In my case, the problem was 'supportsEMV' .
I just removed 'supportsEMV' from merchantCapabilities and it worked.
When this is included, VISA cards are working fine, but others give the error "Required fields are missing from decrypted data".
03-15-2022 04:05 AM