I've read through multiple forum posts and the help files, and can't seem to find what I'm looking for.
I have multiple products for sale with multiple pages I would like customers to land on after they purchase. I would like it to automatically happen once they purchase a product. It seems I can only have one default page where customers would be redirected to, and this is a problem since I have multiple products I'm selling.
How can I have my customers redirected to a different page for each product after a successful transaction occurs?
11-02-2013 08:08 PM
While there is only one relay response url, you could have logic on the page to redirect to different pages depend on some sort of merchant defined field.
11-03-2013 03:31 AM
You could also set multiple valid relay response url on the merchant account.
Or don't set any valid relay response url on the merchant account. If you do, you can use any url on the form post.
11-03-2013 01:11 PM