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Basic CIM workflow in java

Dear all,

I'm trying to implement the functionality to store the credit card details, charge a credit card and refund the charges, but cannot get a good overview of the process. 


From what I was able to deduct from code samples and forums, the approximate steps are (I'm using XML):

1) Create a customer profile (name, email, etc) with createCustomerProfileRequest


2) Get back the "customerProfileId" and create paymentProfile (createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest, updateCustomerPaymentProfileRequest) - only CC number and expiration - what about the card type (MC, Visa, etc)?

3) Get back the "customerPaymentProfileId" and use it to charge the stored credit card with createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest (profileTransAuthCapture)


4) refund with createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest (profileTransRefund)


Are the above steps correct and is there a simpler/faster/better way?


Could somebody point me in the direction of some simple java/jsp code for the above features?


Thanks a lot,



1)you are correct. testmode only do simple cc# mistype validation.

2)you will not know if the payment profile is valid until you ran a transaction with it. about the transaction fees you need to talk to your merchant bank.

3)to use with livemode, with cvc code the transaction fee will be less.

4)It on the merchant settings, I think is the user administration, and setup a user as use this person email as sender

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