We have unchecked required for First and Last name in the "Payment Form - Fields" > "Customer Billing Information" section.
Despite this change, we still get an API error when creating a subscription that "Bill-To First Name is required" and "Bill-To Last Name is required".
It is our understanding that we should be able to create a subscription without needing these fields, but we are not currently able to do so.
06-27-2019 12:14 PM
Some processors require a bill to first and last name and the payment form settings are overridden by the processor requirements. It sounds like that is the case here.
For confirmation please check with support to verify your processor and if this rule applies.
07-02-2019 10:11 AM
We are getting the same error.
settings[1] = new settingType();
settings[1].settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedPaymentBillingAddressOptions.ToString();
settings[1].settingValue = "{\"show\": false, \"required\":false}";
We have set show billing address and required to "false" for hosted payment page iFrame parameters.
And we are not passing billing address in payment transaction request, it is working fine on sandbox.
When user enters credit/debit card details on hosted payment page on PRODUCTION and clicks "Pay" a validation message appears "Bill To First name required"
08-17-2020 05:17 AM
@mmcguire wrote:Some processors require a bill to first and last name and the payment form settings are overridden by the processor requirements. It sounds like that is the case here.
For confirmation please check with support to verify your processor and if this rule applies.
Shouldn't there be an setting, then, for requiring first/last name on the payment profile? Currently, first/last name is bundled with billing address, but some of us need to have an optional billing address.
04-13-2021 01:48 PM