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CCV validation in cim


I'm trying to add CCV as part of the validation routine.  In the 'Enhanced Card Code Verification (CCV) Handling Filter ?' section
of thesandbox account,I have the filter enabled and  the "Decline" option selected 'If Card Code value N Does NOT Match'?. 
Now I get this error: Response code: E00003 Message: The CC length is invalid.?  The account actually
seems to have saved which doesn't seem to be right since the transaction didn't go through

1)  Why is the account info being saved but the transaction going through?  Seems to me like it shouldn't save in this case
(this creating a new account when checking out).  We don't want profiles saved unless the ccv is correct as well.

2)  I'm actually just putting in anything for ccv.  Are there any official test credit card numbers that have ccv's that work for



A response code of E00003 is an XML validation error that indicates that the request was not even processed.  There is no way that a profile will be created if this error is received.


There are no test cards that include card codes that will be validated.  The card code can be submitted as any 3-4 digit numeric value, specific validation responses can be generated using our zip code triggers.

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