Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned
Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag
API / Features documentation Pinned
Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :
Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned
You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .
Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned
Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.
Content of validationDirectResponse
Below is an example of a response posted in another thread (and also in
the XML documentation).
Ok I00001
1,1,1,This transaction has been
approved.,000000,Y,2000000000,none,Test transaction for
Need Something More in Automated Recurring Billing Locked
Hi,I am trying to integrate Automated recurring billing to my Company's website. I have already integrated SIM. Few things that Concerned me about ARB :Credit Card information is Collected from Merchant's server and Passed onto Authoriz...
Accepting transactions from outside of US
I'm looking to accept online orders using AIM with cards from outside of the US. What I need to know and can't find out is whether there are any address checks done on non-US cards, and also whether there are any AVS controls available to challenge t...
Problem With Sample Application - Error 87
Hello, I am looking for PayPal alternative and I found Authorise.Net and I've been checking out the API and quite impressed so far. I downloaded the SDK in PHP from here: I signed up for a developer account a...
AVS - exactly what part of the billing address is verified? Solved Locked
Hello, Our system integrates via CIM, and our current production AVS settings are such that CC authorization will be declined if there is a zip code or billing address mismatch (i.e. the strictest settings you can use for the filter). Our customer se...
Can't set x_delim_char or x_enca_char in PHP CIM SDK when parsing responses Locked
As is, these two properties can be set when creating a transaction, but they aren't used when parsing the response from AIM. This means that the output from getTransactionResponse() will be quite broken. Also, because it is hardcoded to use a comma a...
ARB Data with Subscription ID or Customer ID Locked
Hi Guys.I'm trying to build a process that allows me to download the ARB transactions including theSubscription ID or the Customer ID so that I can integrate the data with my server data. Specifically I'm looking to download the renewal data. I alrea...
Need advice on re-billing failed transactions (and input on why so many fail after validation)
Hello Authorize Dev Community, I need your input and advice on a topic that causes me much deliberation: failed transactions for a subscription based service, and the best approach to take for retrying failed transactions before giving up. In short, ... temporarily invalid SSL certificate Locked
Yesterday, March 1, 2011, between 6:30PM and 9:30PM US Eastern, my system log files show that the SSL certificate returned by the production API server was reporting as being invalid (specifically, that they could not be verified). This...
Partial authorization and secure payment form
We're using SIM and the secure payment form. We have no access to any card info [not counting the last 4 digits and card type posted back through the relay response]. Do we need to do anything with regard to partial authorization...
AIM, DPM or SIM? Locked
Hi, We currently use AIM for our integration on our web-application. We are being asked by our merchant to become PCI compliant, and right now, this means going into PCI-compliance for our web-server. We are reviewing possible ways to eliminate this ...
DPM & ASP .NET Web Forms - Getting Started Locked
Is there any way to obtain basic instructions/documentation (beginner's instructions) for using Direct Post Method in an ASP.NET Web Forms (NOT MVC) website? The official developers pages and pdf document contain only vague instructions...
Track 1 Data Invalid Format Locked
We are trying to get card present transactions working. I am sending track1 data. Prior to sending, and after LRC verification, I remove the first character (%) of the track1 stringand the last character (?). What we are getting back from Authorize.N...
Set the Income Account with each item sent to
Hi.I am using the SIM version and coding in PHP.I would like to know how to send the processor the Income Account information for an item. I know that I can send in itemized order information and merchant defined fields but how specifically do I send...
Production TESTMODE transactions are not showing up Solved
Hello, I am using Java API to submit payments to our production account in TEST mode. I do receive payment receipts, but I don't see transactions in any of the reports on the web interface. I do, however, see transactions in the SANDBOX...
Unable to read Relay Response POST Data in ASP.NET
I am using SIM, trying to get relay_response to work on a test account with an ASP.NET 2.0 application. It is displaying the response URL page fine, but there is no data displayed... it's as if there was no form data posted to it at all, the same as ...
CIM API Credit Card Expiration Dates
Hello, I'm trying to implement a credit card expiration email notice solution to customers stored in CIM. Initially, we thought that the expiration date was not allowed to be stored even if we are not storing the PAN, so we never stored it. I've sinc...
Implementing DPM using PHP. Get "Error. Check your MD5 Setting." Locked
In my very simple relay_response.php page it seems I am failing at the line: if ($response->isAuthorizeNet()) No matter what I try I always get directed to the MD5 error.The test transaction sends me an email as though it succeeded.I searched this fo...
PHP SDK bug with setting extraOptions string for CIM
There's a bug in AuthorizeNetCIM::_setPostString() method. On my PHP installation, the empty extraOptions tag is being rendered asThat doesn't match the str_replace call. Since both versions are valid XML, here's a patch that uses the DOM API to add ...
URGENT: Merchant Authentication is required. Solved Locked
This is making me sick! I keep getting the following reponse: ErrorE00014
Merchant Authentication is
I don't understand why! I send the following SOAP request; Can someone
tell me what's happening?? APIIDTranKey10.951.00WA
state sales taxWas...
Error processing request: E00013 - Expiration Date is invalid.
I'm using the CIM SDK v 1.3.0. When adding a credit card, I'm getting the expiration date error, this only happens when the month is 1-9. I've tried it both withand without the leading 0 and got the same error both times. customerGateway.AddCreditCar...
Test Account Feature Requests
First off, I want to say how awesome the new test account setup is. The shared account was a source of constant frustration when I was attempting to debug problems, and having a full fledged account gives me much more confidence as far as testing wit...
Using Authorize.NET in the Uk with pounds sterling?
Is this possible? using a UK merchant account and UK pounds stirling currency? is there any fees incurred for doing this?
SIM x_relay_url validation ?
Couldn't find an answer anywhere: how is the SIM x_relay_url variable validated exactly against the value in the account settings? We need the relay url to be, so we'd like to be able to specify it on a transaction...
ARB: Active vs Suspended STATUS on Decline?
I've read several posts here on the behavior of ARB when a scheduled payment is DECLINED.From what I gather - for an EXISTING ARB subscription WHEN PAYMENT IS DECLINED:1. If it is the FIRST scheduled payment or payment info has been updated recenlty,...
eCheck with Authorizations and Captures Locked
Does eCheck support Authorization only transactions followed by Prior Authorization and Capture? I am testing this on my development / test account and the authorization is working and providing a transaction id, but the capture is failing saying tha...
Transactions are not showing on test account Solved
Hello, We are switching from a different payment gateway to and need some help with the transition. I created a test account on and changed our tests to use "4111-1111-1111-1111" credit card number with 2020/12 expiration ...
Split tender and CIM Solved
Support for split tender transactions is a new requirement for AIM. Is it also required with CIM and if so, how to you trigger CIM to return a split tender id in the developer test environment when using createCustomerProfileTransaction?
Submitting Multiple Line Items in .NET SDK Fails Locked
The new .NET SDK contains many nice improvements, including the ability to add line items. However, when adding multiple line items, the request fails when submitted to the gateway. This is because each line item is meant to be transmitted in a separ...
AIM Refund/Credit not accepting last four digits of Credit Card
Hi, I am integrating via AIM and I am attempting to refund (or credit) on a settled transaction. The specification states the following: "At least the last four digits of the credit card number (x_card_num) used for the original, successfully settled...