Hi, first, yes, I know SIM is deprecated, but right now I just need to successfully test a SIM form transaction in the Sandbox and get an approved response. However, all I can get is declines.
I know that I am successfully connecting to the Sandbox because I get a Relay Response. The Sandbox is NOT in test mode, and x_test_mode is FALSE in the SIM requests and the responses.
I have tried multiple test CC numbers. Here is the last response POST:
Array ( [x_response_code] => 2 [x_response_reason_code] => 2 [x_response_reason_text] => This transaction has been declined. [x_avs_code] => X [x_auth_code] => [x_trans_id] => 60024157957 [x_method] => CC [x_card_type] => MasterCard [x_account_number] => XXXX0015 [x_first_name] => Bella [x_last_name] => Donna [x_company] => Whao [x_address] => 123 Loving St [x_city] => Bville [x_state] => OK [x_zip] => 46214 [x_country] => [x_phone] => 566-555-9999 [x_fax] => [x_email] => fritz@coppercupimages.com [x_invoice_num] => 2 [x_description] => Something entirely different. [x_type] => auth_capture [x_cust_id] => 11 [x_ship_to_first_name] => [x_ship_to_last_name] => [x_ship_to_company] => [x_ship_to_address] => [x_ship_to_city] => [x_ship_to_state] => [x_ship_to_zip] => [x_ship_to_country] => [x_amount] => 65.04 [x_tax] => 0.00 [x_duty] => 0.00 [x_freight] => 0.00 [x_tax_exempt] => FALSE [x_po_num] => [x_MD5_Hash] => DCC349A3EE2C7A877B1A6A1DAA2ACA95 [x_SHA2_Hash] => [x_cvv2_resp_code] => M [x_cavv_response] => 2 [x_test_request] => false [g_source_type] => invoice [g_source_id] => 2 [g_source_origin] => Invoice [g_source_passthrough_data] => [user_id] => 11 [responsible_user_id] => 11 [submit] => Continue [x_method_available] => true ) 1
I found this set of values in a forum post (though I can't find supporting documentation anywhere):
// CC: 5424000000000015
// Exp.: 1220
// Code: 999
// Zip: 44628
However, this set of values also produces a general decline.
Any help is appreciated.
05-24-2017 04:45 PM
Hi @coppercup,
What do the fraud detection settings in the merchant interface look like? Any chance they're a little too strict?
If you try the same information in the virtual terminal in the mercant interface, what happens?
05-30-2017 10:36 AM