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Regular Contributor
since ‎10-28-2015

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  • 37 Replies
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A user is having difficulty loading the embedded hosted payment form on one of our client's sites. They get the browser error "Can't reach this page make sure the web address is correct" in Edge. They have tried to load ...
Is it possible to show the Company field on the Accept Hosted Payment Form via the API when requesting a token? The Hosted Form Parameter Settings documentation does not seem to include such an option. As a side note, beware that setting Company to r...
Curious if anybody else seen an issue like this? I'm testing transaction webhooks. Our handler script receives a transaction notification then does a request to getTransactionDetails() with the transaction id from the notification. This worked as exp...
I have discovered a bug in the Accept Hosted payment form related to Safari browser auto-fill. When the user selects a browser-suggested auto-fill value on a billing input in the form, the auto-fill value visually appears in its entirety in the input...
It would be very helpful if the Accept Hosted payment form iFrame Communicator could send a communication indicating when the payment form is fully loaded in the iFrame. We are seeing issues in some browsers (especially Safari) where scrolling while ...