I have this cart and it uses the AIM method. I need to use the CIM. Searching through allthe files there is only one file called Authorize.net.php Below is the code on this page.
<?php class AuthorizeNet extends GatewayFramework implements GatewayModule { var $cards = array("visa", "mc", "amex", "disc", "jcb", "dc"); var $liveurl = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'; var $testurl = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'; function AuthorizeNet () { parent::__construct(); $this->setup('login','password','testmode'); } function actions () { add_action('mycart_process_order',array(&$this,'process')); } function process () { $transaction = $this->build(); $Response = $this->send($transaction); if ($Response->code == '1') { // success $this->Order->transaction($this->txnid($Response),'CHARGED'); return; } elseif ($Response->code == '4') { // flagged for merchant review or risk management $this->Order->transaction($this->txnid($Response),'PENDING'); return; } else $this->error($Response); } function txnid ($Response) { if (empty($Response->transactionid)) return parent::txnid(); return $Response->transactionid; } function error ($Response) { return new MycartError($Response->reason,'authorize_net_error',MYCART_TRXN_ERR, array('code'=>$Response->reasoncode)); } function build () { $Order = $this->Order; $_ = array(); // Options $_['x_test_request'] = ($this->settings['testmode'] == "on")?"TRUE":"FALSE"; // Set "TRUE" while testing $_['x_login'] = $this->settings['login']; $_['x_password'] = $this->settings['password']; $_['x_Delim_Data'] = "TRUE"; $_['x_Delim_Char'] = ","; $_['x_Encap_Char'] = ""; $_['x_version'] = "3.1"; $_['x_relay_response'] = "FALSE"; $_['x_type'] = "AUTH_ONLY"; //= "AUTH_CAPTURE"; $_['x_method'] = "CC"; $_['x_email_customer'] = "FALSE"; $_['x_merchant_email'] = $this->settings['merchant_email']; // Required Fields $_['x_amount'] = $Order->Cart->Totals->total; $_['x_customer_ip'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $_['x_fp_sequence'] = mktime(); $_['x_fp_timestamp'] = time(); // $_['x_fp_hash'] = hash_hmac("md5","{$_['x_login']}^{$_['x_fp_sequence']}^{$_['x_fp_timestamp']}^{$_['x_amount']}",$_['x_password']); // Customer Contact $_['x_first_name'] = $Order->Customer->firstname; $_['x_last_name'] = $Order->Customer->lastname; $_['x_email'] = $Order->Customer->email; $_['x_phone'] = $Order->Customer->phone; // Billing $_['x_card_num'] = $Order->Billing->card; $_['x_exp_date'] = date("my",$Order->Billing->cardexpires); $_['x_card_code'] = $Order->Billing->cvv; $_['x_address'] = $Order->Billing->address; $_['x_city'] = $Order->Billing->city; $_['x_state'] = $Order->Billing->state; $_['x_zip'] = $Order->Billing->postcode; $_['x_country'] = $Order->Billing->country; // Shipping $_['x_ship_to_first_name'] = $Order->Customer->firstname; $_['x_ship_to_last_name'] = $Order->Customer->lastname; $_['x_ship_to_address'] = $Order->Shipping->address; $_['x_ship_to_city'] = $Order->Shipping->city; $_['x_ship_to_state'] = $Order->Shipping->state; $_['x_ship_to_zip'] = $Order->Shipping->postcode; $_['x_ship_to_country'] = $Order->Shipping->country; // Transaction $_['x_freight'] = $Order->Cart->Totals->shipping; $_['x_tax'] = $Order->Cart->Totals->tax; // Line Items $i = 1; foreach($Order->Cart->contents as $Item) { $_['x_line_item'][] = ($i++)."<|>".substr($Item->name,0,31)."<|>".((sizeof($Item->options) > 1)?" (".substr($Item->option->label,0,253).")":"")."<|>".(int)$Item->quantity."<|>".number_format($Item->unitprice,$this->precision,'.','')."<|>".(($Item->tax)?"Y":"N"); } return $this->encode($_); } function send ($data) { if ($this->settings['testmode'] == "on") $url = $this->testurl; else $url = $this->liveurl; $url = apply_filters('mycart_authorize_net_url',$url); return $this->response(parent::send($data,$url)); } function response ($buffer) { $_ = new stdClass(); list($_->code, $_->subcode, $_->reasoncode, $_->reason, $_->authcode, $_->avs, $_->transactionid, $_->invoicenum, $_->description, $_->amount, $_->method, $_->type, $_->customerid, $_->firstname, $_->lastname, $_->company, $_->address, $_->city, $_->state, $_->zip, $_->country, $_->phone, $_->fax, $_->email, $_->ship_to_first_name, $_->ship_to_last_name, $_->ship_to_company, $_->ship_to_address, $_->ship_to_city, $_->ship_to_state, $_->ship_to_zip, $_->ship_to_country, $_->tax, $_->duty, $_->freight, $_->taxexempt, $_->ponum, $_->md5hash, $_->cvv2code, $_->cvv2response) = explode(",",$buffer); return $_; } function settings () { $this->ui->cardmenu(0,array( 'name' => 'cards', 'selected' => $this->settings['cards'] ),$this->cards); $this->ui->text(1,array( 'name' => 'login', 'value' => $this->settings['login'], 'size' => '16', 'label' => __('Enter your AuthorizeNet Login ID.','Mycart') )); $this->ui->password(1,array( 'name' => 'password', 'value' => $this->settings['password'], 'size' => '24', 'label' => __('Enter your AuthorizeNet Password or Transaction Key.','Mycart') )); $this->ui->checkbox(1,array( 'name' => 'testmode', 'checked' => $this->settings['testmode'], 'label' => __('Enable test mode','Mycart') )); } } // END class AuthorizeNet ?>
I was thinking I need to add the XML part to this page. Somehow to have it parse the XML.
//build xml to post $content = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" . "<createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest xmlns=\"AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd\">" . //MerchantAuthenticationBlock(). "<transaction>". "<profileTransAuthOnly>". "<amount>" . $_['x_amount'] . "</amount>". // should include tax, shipping, and everything. "<shipping>". "<amount></amount>". "<name>Free Shipping</name>". "<description>Free UPS Ground shipping. Ships in 5-10 days.</description>". "</shipping>". "<lineItems>". $_['x_amount'] ."</lineItems>". //"<unitPrice>" . ($_POST["amount"] - 1.00) . "</unitPrice>". "<customerProfileId>12711484</customerProfileId>". "<customerPaymentProfileId>11714901</customerPaymentProfileId>". "<customerShippingAddressId>11804938</customerShippingAddressId>". "<order>". "<invoiceNumber>INV12345</invoiceNumber>". "</order>". "</profileTransAuthOnly>". "</transaction>". "</createCustomerProfileTransactionRequest>"; echo "Raw request: " . htmlspecialchars($content) . "<br><br>"; $response = send_xml_request($content); echo "Raw response: " . htmlspecialchars($response) . "<br><br>"; $parsedresponse = parse_api_response($response); if ("Ok" == $parsedresponse->messages->resultCode) { echo "A transaction was successfully created for customerProfileId <b>" . htmlspecialchars($_POST["customerProfileId"]) . "</b>.<br><br>"; } if (isset($parsedresponse->directResponse)) { echo "direct response: <br>" . htmlspecialchars($parsedresponse->directResponse) . "<br><br>"; $directResponseFields = explode(",", $parsedresponse->directResponse); $responseCode = $directResponseFields[0]; // 1 = Approved 2 = Declined 3 = Error $responseReasonCode = $directResponseFields[2]; // See http://www.authorize.net/support/AIM_guide.pdf $responseReasonText = $directResponseFields[3]; $approvalCode = $directResponseFields[4]; // Authorization code $transId = $directResponseFields[6]; if ("1" == $responseCode) echo "The transaction was successful.<br>"; else if ("2" == $responseCode) echo "The transaction was declined.<br>"; else echo "The transaction resulted in an error.<br>"; echo "responseReasonCode = " . htmlspecialchars($responseReasonCode) . "<br>"; echo "responseReasonText = " . htmlspecialchars($responseReasonText) . "<br>"; echo "approvalCode = " . htmlspecialchars($approvalCode) . "<br>"; echo "transId = " . htmlspecialchars($transId) . "<br>"; } echo "<br><a href=index.php?customerProfileId=" . urlencode($_POST["customerProfileId"]) . "&customerPaymentProfileId=" . urlencode($_POST["customerPaymentProfileId"]) . "&customerShippingAddressId=" . urlencode($_POST["customerShippingAddressId"]) . ">Continue</a><br>";
Solved! Go to Solution.
03-01-2013 06:34 AM
I added this:
curl_setopt($this->ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
and I got an error back. ErrorE00003
So Iam getting closer. Does this mean the XML atleast sent?
03-11-2013 10:03 AM
<code>E00003</code> <text>The element 'createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd' has invalid child element 'shipToList' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'. List of possible elements expected: 'validationMode' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'.</text> </message> </messages>
03-11-2013 10:35 AM
Yes, it mean it got send to authorize.net.
the E00003 error mean the XML you send it not in the format authorize.net expected.
The sequence of the node is important. It look to me the xml have the shipToList is coming after the faxNumber, which is wrong. It should be after the bankName. See the XML documentation for detail
03-11-2013 10:57 AM
Tried this. The validation mode was on it own line. Still getting same error. Also the phone number was not in theis format (123)456-7829
$xml = new AuthnetXML(AUTHNET_LOGIN, AUTHNET_TRANSKEY); $xml->createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest(array( 'customerProfileId' => '666', 'paymentProfile' => array( 'billTo' => array( 'firstName' => $Order->Customer->firstname, 'lastName' => $Order->Customer->lastname, 'address' => $Order->Billing->address, 'city' => $Order->Billing->city, 'state' => $Order->Billing->state, 'zip' => $Order->Billing->postcode, 'phoneNumber' => $Order->Customer->phone ), 'payment' => array( 'creditCard' => array( 'cardNumber' => $Order->Billing->card, // 'expirationDate' => date("my",$Order->Billing->cardexpires) 'expirationDate' => '2013-08' ), ), ), 'shipToList' => array( 'firstName' => $Order->Customer->firstname, 'lastName' => $Order->Customer->lastname, 'address' => $Order->Shipping->address, 'city' => $Order->Shipping->city, 'state' => $Order->Shipping->state, 'zip' => $Order->Shipping->postcode, 'phoneNumber' => '(800)555-1234', 'validationMode' => 'testMode' ), )); echo $xml->messages->resultCode;
echo $xml->messages->message->code; echo $xml;
03-11-2013 11:29 AM
something doesn't look right, validationmode is for the whole call, not for each shiptolist.
Can you see what the xml you are sending?
03-11-2013 12:33 PM
XML: <?xml version="1.0"?> <createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest> <merchantAuthentication> <name>xxxxxx</name> <transactionKey>xxxx</transactionKey> </merchantAuthentication> <profile> <merchantCustomerId>12347</merchantCustomerId> <email>user@example.com</email> <paymentProfiles> <billTo> <firstName>Joe</firstName> <lastName>Someone</lastName> <address>123 Some Place</address> <city>Some City</city> <state>Some State</state> <zip>99999</zip> <phoneNumber>1231234567</phoneNumber> </billTo> <payment> <creditCard> <cardNumber>5424000000000015</cardNumber> <expirationDate>2013-08</expirationDate> </creditCard> </payment> </paymentProfiles> <shipToList> <firstName>Joe</firstName> <lastName>Someone</lastName> <address>123 Some Place</address> <city>Some City</city> <state>Some State</state> <zip>99999</zip> </shipToList> </profile> <validationMode>liveMode</validationMode> </createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest> Response XML XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ErrorResponse> <messages> <resultCode>Error</resultCode> <message> <code>E00003</code> <text>The element 'createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd' has invalid child element 'profile' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'. List of possible elements expected: 'refId, customerProfileId' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd'.</text> </message> </messages> </ErrorResponse>
03-11-2013 12:51 PM
I had createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest instead of createCustomerProfileRequest.
It sent and then gives me this error.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <createCustomerProfileResponse> <messages> <resultCode>Error</resultCode> <message> <code>E00007</code> <text>User authentication failed due to invalid authentication values.</text> </message> </messages> </createCustomerProfileResponse>
03-11-2013 01:16 PM
If I remember it right, you are using a test account. E00007 mean you are sending the XML to the production server. Need to change it to send to the test server.
03-11-2013 04:04 PM
Finally working. After 51 posts and 12 days. Thanks again to RaynorC1emen7 and especially John Conde for this tutorial and code. https://github.com/stymiee/Authorize.Net-XML I had modified this line and had left off USE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER and then I got the error that the account was in test mode. So atleast it is connecting and creating a profile. Now I will work on other parts such as transactions and integrating to my cart.
03-12-2013 05:19 AM