Using the Transaction API I have been able to retrieve my transactions by Date and if the are unsettled. But, we sometimes get a 1000 or more payments in each batch. I would like the be able to retrieve just the transactions for an individual customer.
We are using's payment form and have a silent post sent to us for processing. We need to check and see if there has been a payment that we did not recieve for some reason, so we can prevent double payments.
We have a GUID for each customer that we send using the ship to first name field, so it gets sent in the slient post for processing. This field is currently only available in transactionDetailsType class which means we have to make a call for each transaction after we retrieve them all to identify which are for the customer.
Is there any way we could filter transaction list by date,ship to first name and status(not 'declined')?
This way when we make the call to check for lost payments when the user signs in and we dont have to retrieve 1000s of records and check through all of them for this customer.
ABA Lead Software Engineer.
08-21-2015 08:32 AM
Hello @EPerry
Thanks for providing the detailed use case for your request. Unfortunately, our transaction reporting API does not currently support filtering using the criteria you require. Other developers have made a similar request here. If you follow the link, you can add your vote to this request and add comments to help make the request even better.
08-24-2015 08:49 AM