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Customize billing information in hosted CIM option

I am using hosted CIM option for adding a new payment method. Can I send my default billing information while opening the form so that billing information is filled with default values when form get opened.


Thanks in advance !!


This is unfortunately not possible. You can pre-populate the shipping profiles without worrying about secure information, but we currently only allow submitting the billing information with a createCustomerPaymentProfileRequest.  That request also requires the payment information, so obviously it would undermine the whole point of using the hosted pages.  When using the hosted pages, the customer will have to enter their billing information manually.

Administrator Administrator

Do you have any future plans to default the billing information from the shipping information? Or allow billing information to be set without payment information?



Yes, I also need this.


Hey there,


No updates on this yet, but both these suggestions have been passed on to our developers. We appreciate the feedback!





Developer Community Manager

 I need this too. We already collect one address, when we use hosted CIM addPayment, it would be great if it pre-filled with an existing address, or allowed us to pass a shippingAddressId as default.


The address portion doesn't have a select for states, doesn't look up zip codes and these sort of things that we could do on our website.


PPlease allow us a method to pre-fill the address portion of the addPayment page.

Hello @lukydesigns

I've reported your suggestion to the product team for evaluation.

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Thanks Richard, please keep us updated.

The Shipping Address on a customer profile defaults into the Billing Information when adding a payment method from the hosted Manage Profiles page, but not when using the hosted Add Payment Profile page. For our order processing application, we do not want to give users access to all payment methods, so we really need to be able to set default billing data for the Add Payment Profile page. Allowing the customer's shipping address to default on the Add Payment Profile page would solve this problem. I would like this request to be passed to your development team.




I realize this thread is old, but this isn't working for me. I'm creating the profile, with the <shipToList> entry for the address, but when I go to the /manage page and click Add Payment Profile, the address isn't populating. It does populate when you add the Second payment profile for a customer, and it appears to default from the first entry, but not for the first payment profile.


I even tested it with the api page, using all of's calls. I got the Shipping Profile id, so I know that it took. But it doesn't show up.


This is VERY FRUSTRATING for the users. Is there any solution?


Not sure why it has been 6 years since the request to pass the address was made, without it being implemented.


Thank you.

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