I am very new to the whole authorization.net ecosystem I am trying to setup DPM and I followed the sample code and I am running into an issue. If I run this function and the transaction is successful, it sends POST info to the $url and I can access it and eveything is fine. However if I enter in incorrect information this needs to go back to the input page so the user can correct it not go to the generic transaction failed message. How can this be done? am I doing something wrong? I found this link on here that is the exact same issue but when he solved it he did not explain how. Here is my code for the call. Taken directly from the sample code
public function donate($token) { $url = "http://example.com/donate/complete"; $api_login_id = '************'; $transaction_key = '***********'; $md5_setting = '******'; // Your MD5 Setting $amount = "5.99"; AuthorizeNetDPM::directPost($url, $api_login_id, $transaction_key, $amount, $md5_setting); }
And this is my AuthorizeNetDPM.php file I downloaded from the SDK.
<?php /** * Demonstrates the Direct Post Method. * * To implement the Direct Post Method you need to implement 3 steps: * * Step 1: Add necessary hidden fields to your checkout form and make your form is set to post to AuthorizeNet. * * Step 2: Receive a response from AuthorizeNet, do your business logic, and return * a relay response snippet with a url to redirect the customer to. * * Step 3: Show a receipt page to your customer. * * This class is more for demonstration purposes than actual production use. * * * @package AuthorizeNet * @subpackage AuthorizeNetDPM */ /** * A class that demonstrates the DPM method. * * @package AuthorizeNet * @subpackage AuthorizeNetDPM */ class AuthorizeNetDPM extends AuthorizeNetSIM_Form { const LIVE_URL = 'https://secure.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'; const SANDBOX_URL = 'https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll'; /** * Implements all 3 steps of the Direct Post Method for demonstration * purposes. */ public static function directPost($url, $api_login_id, $transaction_key, $amount = "0.00", $md5_setting = "") { // Step 1: Show checkout form to customer. if (!count($_POST) && !count($_GET)) { $fp_sequence = time(); // Any sequential number like an invoice number. echo AuthorizeNetDPM::getCreditCardForm($amount, $fp_sequence, $url, $api_login_id, $transaction_key); } // Step 2: Handle AuthorizeNet Transaction Result & return snippet. elseif (count($_POST)) { $response = new AuthorizeNetSIM($api_login_id, $md5_setting); if ($response->isAuthorizeNet()) { if ($response->approved) { // Do your processing here. $redirect_url = $url . '?response_code=1&transaction_id=' . $response->transaction_id; } else { // Redirect to error page. $redirect_url = $url . '?response_code='.$response->response_code . '&response_reason_text=' . $response->response_reason_text; } // Send the Javascript back to AuthorizeNet, which will redirect user back to your site. echo $redirect_url; echo AuthorizeNetDPM::getRelayResponseSnippet($redirect_url); } else { echo "Error -- not AuthorizeNet. Check your MD5 Setting."; } } // Step 3: Show receipt page to customer. elseif (!count($_POST) && count($_GET)) { if ($_GET['response_code'] == 1) { echo "Thank you for your purchase! Transaction id: " . htmlentities($_GET['transaction_id']); } else { echo "Sorry, an error occurred: " . htmlentities($_GET['response_reason_text']); } } } /** * A snippet to send to AuthorizeNet to redirect the user back to the * merchant's server. Use this on your relay response page. * * @param string $redirect_url Where to redirect the user. * * @return string */ public static function getRelayResponseSnippet($redirect_url) { return "<html><head><script language=\"javascript\"> <!-- window.location=\"{$redirect_url}\"; //--> </script> </head><body><noscript><meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"1;url={$redirect_url}\"></noscript></body></html>"; } /** * Generate a sample form for use in a demo Direct Post implementation. * * @param string $amount Amount of the transaction. * @param string $fp_sequence Sequential number(ie. Invoice #) * @param string $relay_response_url The Relay Response URL * @param string $api_login_id Your API Login ID * @param string $transaction_key Your API Tran Key. * @param bool $test_mode Use the sandbox? * @param bool $prefill Prefill sample values(for test purposes). * * @return string */ public static function getCreditCardForm($amount, $fp_sequence, $relay_response_url, $api_login_id, $transaction_key, $test_mode = true, $prefill = true) { $time = time(); $fp = self::getFingerprint($api_login_id, $transaction_key, $amount, $fp_sequence, $time); $sim = new AuthorizeNetSIM_Form( array( 'x_amount' => $amount, 'x_fp_sequence' => $fp_sequence, 'x_fp_hash' => $fp, 'x_fp_timestamp' => $time, 'x_relay_response'=> "TRUE", 'x_relay_url' => $relay_response_url, 'x_login' => $api_login_id, ) ); $hidden_fields = $sim->getHiddenFieldString(); $post_url = ($test_mode ? self::SANDBOX_URL : self::LIVE_URL); $form = ' //bunch of form HTML and CSS goes here '; return $form; } }
06-19-2014 01:31 PM
Hi calvinmoss1,
Ths fix is to set x_relay_always to TRUE. The x_relay_always option was created to give developers more control in cases where the transaction was attempted but did not really complete.
06-23-2014 02:21 PM