While trying to test/update our website code for TLS 1.2, I discovered that our production site wasn't working. I get "This transaction cannot be accepted." error, which I see means a transaction key isn't sent or is invalid.
The code and trans key haven't changed for 5+ years and has worked fine. I don't know why or when it stopped.
I generated a new key just to try, and I still get the same error.
Any ideas what else could be going on?
Some code snippets below:
vPostData = x_login=MYLOGIN&x_tran_key=MYKEY&x_method=CC&x_type=AUTH_CAPTURE&x_card_num=4111111111111111&x_exp_date=11/2021&x_amount=19.95&x_first_name=Wes&x_last_name=Test&x_description=Website.com Order&x_delim_char=|&x_delim_data=TRUE&x_relay_response=FALSE&merchant=The Company&x_address=123 Test St. &x_city=Mason&x_state=OH&x_zip=45040&x_country=USA
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
xml.open "POST", "https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll", false
xml.send vPostData
strStatus = xml.Status
strRetval = xml.responseText
Set xml = nothing
Response: 3|1|103|This transaction cannot be accepted.
02-07-2018 05:17 PM
https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll is ANET sandbox endpoint. can you pls. confirm that using your x_login/x_password credentials related your sandbox account? I am assuming that you are testing aganist sandbox endpoint before switching to prod.
02-09-2018 09:25 AM
Hi bhav,
That is the endpoint I'm using. I've tried passing only the login, login and password, and login and transaction key. None of them work. I had this problem years ago, and the only solution was to turn password-required-mode off, but I can't find that option under my account anymore. See thread below.
I have a feeling Authorize.net is forcing password-required mode on, which has never worked for my account, and I don't know why.
02-10-2018 07:22 AM
Was this ever resolved? I'm having the same problem since the TLS 1.2 change. I definitely know my login and key are correct. Appreciate in advance.
03-17-2018 09:03 AM