I keep getting a error message saying the API log in & Trans key are incorrect or the account is inactive when I test my page. I am using a php code from the SIM integration and I'm not sure if i am testing it correctly help please!
โ06-07-2013 11:53 AM
From http://developer.authorize.net/tools/responsereasoncode/
Response Reason Code: 13
Response Reason Text: The merchant Login ID is invalid or the account is inactive.
Integration Team Suggestions: This error indicates you are either posting the incorrect API Login ID within your script, connecting to a server that does not recognize your account, or using an account which is inactive. Please follow these steps to ensure that your software is connecting correctly:
โ06-07-2013 02:06 PM
Thanks for the response Raynor. I am a total noob at this so I have another question. My Website isn't being hosted yet could this be a reason for the error (13) also? I am building the website in Blue Voda from Voda Host however haven't completed the site or the hosting would you suggest that I get it hosted first?
โ06-10-2013 08:18 AM
The error basically said either you are using a test account on a production authorize.net
or production account on the test authorize.net.
โ06-10-2013 08:27 AM
I entered the api login and key that was issued on my test account So i need to address the configuration as you stated previously and set the test to false? this is in the code i coppied from the integration page correct?
โ06-10-2013 08:53 AM
If it is a test account, make sure it point https://test.authorize.net/gateway/transact.dll
โ06-10-2013 09:03 AM
I did ensure that the destination was correct still getting the error message...
โ06-10-2013 09:58 AM
Does my site need to be published in order for this to work?
โ06-10-2013 10:12 AM
not for error 13, for something liike error 14(relay response) yes.
try this update with your loginID/transactionKey and if you are using test account change it to https://test.authorize.net/
should get an error 16 transaction cannot be found.
โ06-10-2013 10:56 AM
tried it but the browser could not find the page
โ06-10-2013 01:56 PM