Hi All
I'm trying to specify lineItems in a call to getHostedPaymentPageRequest but get an error...
Access Denied
You don't have permission to access "http://apitest.authorize.net/xml/v1/request.api" on this server.
Reference #18.adc33d17.1564389835.49128e40
...for everything I've tried. But if I try the same JSON in a test here...
...it works and I do get a token returned. If I take the lineItems element out then the test works on both the auth.net test page and on my test site. Has anybody got an idea what the probelm might be? I'll post the test JSON below.
Many thanks
{ "getHostedPaymentPageRequest": { "merchantAuthentication": { "name": "xxxxxxxx", "transactionKey": "xxxxxxxx" }, "transactionRequest": { "transactionType": "authCaptureTransaction", "amount": "20.00", "profile": { "customerProfileId": "123456789" }, "lineItems":[{"lineItem":{"itemId":"test1","name":"Test Product","quantity":"1","unitPrice":"2"}}], "customer": { "email": "ellen@mail.com" }, "billTo": { "firstName": "Ellen", "lastName": "Johnson", "company": "Souveniropolis", "address": "14 Main Street", "city": "Pecan Springs", "state": "TX", "zip": "44628", "country": "USA" } }, "hostedPaymentSettings": { "setting": [{ "settingName": "hostedPaymentOrderOptions", "settingValue": "{\"show\": true, \"merchantName\": \"G and S Questions Inc.\"}" }] } } }
07-29-2019 01:56 AM