I read this manual https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/features/acceptjs.html and trying to implement AcceptUI.js
It opens such popup: https://cl.ly/19171D3g012d
The button opening it contains "data-billingAddressOptions" allowing to enable / disable billing address in that form:
<form id="paymentForm"
<input type="hidden" name="dataValue" id="dataValue" />
<input type="hidden" name="dataDescriptor" id="dataDescriptor" />
<button type="button"
data-billingAddressOptions='{"show":true, "required":false}'
data-acceptUIFormHeaderTxt="Card Information"
But "billing address" means there just 3 fields - First Name / Last Name and Zip Code. But I need full address.. Is it possible to retreive full billing address? With address, city, etc..
โ02-03-2018 05:18 AM
So the AVS can work only with ZIP postal code in case of the AcceptUI.js form?
โ03-17-2021 03:09 PM
I thought this was the case, however I created a workaround to capture full billing data:
- Set 'data-billingAddressOptions' to show = false, required = false in AcceptUI config
- Set 'data-acceptUIFormHeaderTxt' to 'Payment Information (Step 2 of 2)'
- Create a similarly styled modal to the AcceptUI modal and title it 'Billing Information (Step 1 of 2)'
- In Billing Information modal, place first name, last name, address, city, state, zip fields with 'auth_billing_field' class, and a Payment Information button at the bottom that links to AcceptUI.js, disable the button by default. Add an onclick handler to this button that closes the Billing Information modal.
- Use JQuery/JS to detect keyup event on 'auth_billing_field' class inputs. When the event fires, iterate the 'auth_billing_field' inputs and check for validity. If they are valid, remove the disabled property from the Payment Information button.
- When the customer clicks the Payment Information button, the Billing Information modal will close, and the AcceptUI form will present itself with Card ID, Expiry and CCV fields.
When the customer submits the AcceptUI form and you receive the payment token back from Authorize.net, package the token with all of the other billing information you've collected in your Billing Information modal and create a customer payment profile via createCustomerProfileRequest and createCustomerShippingAddressRequest. Use your payment profile ID as the payment information for the createTransactionRequest.
This method will satisfy AVS, as the test transaction that is processed during createCustomerProfileRequest will be checked against all of the billing information you've supplied rather than only the ZIP code.
If you take the time to style your modal, fields and button, it appears to be seamless to the end user.
โ06-24-2021 10:33 AM - edited โ06-24-2021 10:35 AM
I would imagine this would void the PCI-DSS SAQ A compliance that using AcceptUI modal affords.
โ01-11-2023 09:05 AM
I would imagine this would void the PCI-DSS SAQ A compliance the AcceptUI modal provides.
โ01-11-2023 09:15 AM