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Get Transaction for each Recurring Billing in Authorize.NET ARB

I am using Authorize.NET Automatic Recurring Billing Service in my C# application and I was able to integrate recurring payment successfully.


Suppose I am using annual recurring profile. On Jan 1st,2014 I started my subscription and next payment date would be Jan 1st, 2015. In that case is it possible to get the transaction details happened on that date(i.e Jan 1st, 2015). i.e I want to store the details of each recurring transaction in my local database. Is that possible.


Could you please help.




You would want to use the slient post to get this info. All i have is php code for this. You have to set up the slent post url in your merchant center and write the code to retrive the responce. Here is my sample silent post code.


$subscription_id = (int) $_POST['x_subscription_id'];

if ($subscription_id) {
// Get the response code. 1 is success, 2 is decline, 3 is error
$response_code = (int) $_POST['x_response_code'];

// Get the reason code. 8 is expired card.
$reason_code = (int) $_POST['x_response_reason_code'];

if ($response_code == 1) {
// Approved
} else if ($response_code == 2) {
// Declined
} else if ($response_code == 3 && $reason_code == 8) {
// An expired card
} else {
// Other error


Thanks for the guidance.


But I am using C# and I configured the Url in Slient Post, but nothing is happening. I have the parameters for ARB as mentioned in


Could some one help me for the same.