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Get the BillTo details in response of accept hosted with iFrame

Hi Team,


I am sending billTo Details in getAcceptHostedAPI and also set the JSON flag for this.

                               CustomerAddressType customerAddress = new CustomerAddressType();
SettingType setting6 = new SettingType();
			setting6.setSettingValue("{\"show\": false, \"required\":true}");

Here we dont need billing details on hosted form that's why I have used show : false.


Now my question Why I am not getting billing details back in the accept hosted form transaction response ???

Please... need help on urgent basis


Thanks in advance.


Regular Contributor

Hi @raviparmarce88,


If the address fields aren't shown in the form, any address information sent with the transaction is discarded and not submitted when the form is complete. The only way to send the address information with the transaction is to show the address on the form.


So unfortunately, there's no current way to do what you describe, but I can definitely see the usefulness in such a scenario.


I'd encourage you to post this onto our Ideas Forum where others can take a look, contribute feedback, and vote for new features.

All Star
Thanks @Aaron,
Now here does it mean that if we will not show address fields on payment form then AVS feature will not work.
Is it correct ? Or Avs will also work if only send billing info at the the time of token generation.
This is really a serious issue for us ?
My understanding is it should work even I will only send billing info.
Regular Contributor

You will not get an AVS response if the billing address is not shown on the form.



Here to get AVS response if  billing details is mendatory in payment form then what is meaning of the flag to show/hide billing details in payment form.


Is it really not work if I only sent billing details during token generation ?

Regular Contributor



Is there anyways to make billing details section non-editable in hosted payment form? 

Because we have billing details page in our applicaiton. Now as you mentioned that only sending billing details to getAnAcceptHostedPage api is not enough to use the AVS filter, we have passed and show billing details into payment form.

But now there is chance where user can change the address there and in this case address will become out of sync in our applicaiton eventhough AN sending updated address in response and we cant identify what user has changed in payment form as we are using address in form of street1, street2 etc and combine those and sending it to AN.


So to make billing address consistent we need billing details on payment page non editable.


or please let me know if there is any alternative for this.

Unfortunately, there's no current way to do what you describe, but I can definitely see the usefulness in such a scenario.


I'd encourage you to post this onto our Ideas Forum where others can take a look, contribute feedback, and vote for new features.

Thanks @Aaron,


Here regarding to address change in hosted payment page, my understanding is that use this billing address for only AVS filter purpose. is not storing/saving this address information anywhere .


If this is the case then I think it fine to move ahead wihtout saving or worrying about the billing address change in hosted payment page then actual billing address entered in our application.

Regular Contributor

It's not only for AVS; It will get saved as an attribute of the transaction that you can retrieve later using the getTransactionDetails API call or by viewing the transaction in the Merchant Interface.


HOWEVER, any address saved with the transaction is not changing anything else, and you'd never even know the address was saved with the transaction unless you specifically went looking for it in the API or a report or something. So, unless you're already trying to retrieve addresses from completed transactions for some other purpose, you wouldn't need to worry about the address stored with the transaction.

I know this is not the right place to ask a question, but I can't seem to be able to ask any new questions on the forum.


Is it possible to update the Cancel, button text or inject a URL, I want a URL when the end user clicks "Cancel", and I want a different url when the end user completes the entire form.  I am using "getHostedProfilePageController", with host, I should be able to return the "action" clicks, but the only thing I can get is the height and width, but no 'actions',  I have it set up as follows:


settingType[] settings = new settingType[5];

settings[0] = new settingType();
settings[0].settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedProfileSaveButtonText.ToString();
settings[0].settingValue = "Add Me";

settings[2] = new settingType();
settings[2].settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedProfileReturnUrlText.ToString();
settings[2].settingValue = "Done";

settings[3] = new settingType();
settings[3].settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedProfileReturnUrl.ToString();
settings[3].settingValue = "https://localhost:53967/Customer/";

settings[4] = new settingType();
settings[4].settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedProfileIFrameCommunicatorUrl.ToString();
settings[4].settingValue = "https://localhost:53967/IFrameCommunicator/";


var request = new getHostedProfilePageRequest();
request.customerProfileId = customerProfileId;
request.hostedProfileSettings = settings;

var controller = new getHostedProfilePageController(request);


var response = controller.GetApiResponse();

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