Can someone please point me in the right direction for getting the cardnumber & expirationdate from an ARB subscription?
I figured they should be accessible in the response at...
But I'm not sure how to get it?
The sample code on github doesn't include an example other than in the Get Customer Payment Profile.... so I'm wondering if I have to make a second call to the API to get the cc info with the customerpaymentprofileid and the customerid?
I wouldn't think so because the documentation says it should be available in the response, plus when I run the "try it" test from the API documentation section I can see the cc details in the response...
I'm just not sure how to access it. Any help would be much aprpeciated.
02-09-2018 03:19 PM
Hello @Janga
Are you trying to create another transaction using the card data stored for a subscription? If so, you can use the customer and payment profile for other transactions.
The full card number and expiration date is never available through the API.
02-09-2018 04:47 PM
Thanks, I figured out how to do it...
For anyone else trying to get the cc info from an ARB subscription, here's how in VB.
TryCast(response.subscription.profile.paymentProfile.payment.Item, creditCardMaskedType).cardNumber
02-10-2018 08:24 AM