Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.

transactionRequest has invalid child profile

I've been trying for hours and cannot figure out the problem. I get the errorThe element 'transactionRequest' in namespace 'AnetApi/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd' has invalid child element 'profile' The api documentation shows profile as one tier u...


Re: Account Updater

@RichardH Can we please get some documentation! I have a tonne of questions: First of all, I use CIM and no ARB. I process 'subscription' payments via customer payment profiles manually using my own scheduler about every 2 months. You say to check th...


Accept.js Expiration Month Issue

I'm trying to use accept js to get a payment nonce back for a card but no matter what I pass in for the expiration month I am gettin the error "Please provide valid expiration month". I have tried strings: "08""12" And integers: 812 But no matter wha...

How to generate opaqueData using .NET SDK?

I use Accept.JS for the frontend, and my backend (.NET web service) has a method, which gets opaqueData from UI. I want to write unit tests for this method, however I cannot find any way to generate this data using your .NET SDK library. Is it possib...

Error connecting to AuthorizeNet

While payment transcation i am getting this response Please find the response below Array( [status] => 0 [errmsg] => Error connecting to AuthorizeNet [responseCodes] => AuthorizeNetAIM_Response Object ( [_response_array:AuthorizeNetAIM_Response:priva...

Missing or Invalid token

Hello Everyone, I'm currently seeing the "Missing or Invalid Token" when trying to display host form in my iFrame. I've read other posts in this forum regarding the same issue and I've applied the suggestions however, I'm not having any luck. Here ar...

Setting up ARB with a Volusion store

I am interested in finding someone to help me set up ARB to work with my Volusion store. Volusion has a built in Recurring billing option, but it does not allow for flexibility, such as weekly....which is what we need for my customers. ...

Issue in iOS SDK for Objective C project

I have added the mobile sdk for my objective c project but whenever trying to call getTokenWithRequest i got SIGABRT. Error messages added below. dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: __TTSfq4n_s___TFVSS13CharacterView38_measureExtended... iOS app link

Does anyone know if the app that is in the app store here,, has a custom URL schema defined to link into the app from either web or other apps? Trying to link a mobile enhan...

Email is required [33]

I am trying to intergrate with ebay but I get the error code 33, email is required. The problem is, email is not selected as a requirement on my payment form. Am I missing something? I have tried disabling all security features and still get the same...


payment API reference documentation errors

There are a couple of documentation errors on the API reference page at In the documentation for Void (the one about 2/3 down on the page, for use on transactions that have not been captured yet...


Subscriptions w/ Accept Hosted

I'm trying to set up recurring billing using the Accept Hosted feature to collect the user's cc info and billing address. From my understanding, it's not actually possible to use Accept Hosted to create a subscription. So, what I'm planning on doing ...

Possible not to use the SDK?

I have been working on migration over the last couple months since A.N eliminated the previous methods at the end of May 2017. I never used the SDK because of the complexity. The number of lines in my previous code to process credit cards is less tha...

3DS service for CIM

Hi I have been looking for a way to activate 3DS on the CIM API. I came accorss this post in the forum. It says that it can be done, but you need to have a seperate service to do the 3DS verification ( does not). In my previous experienc...

Accept.js calls stored as transaction before nonce is used?

Does anyone know if doing a call to Accept.js results in a transaction showing in virtual terminal EVEN IF the nonce isn't yet used to process a charge? We've done an integration using accept.js to submit card / transaction to appears to...

PayPal Express Process - Token

Is there an API function that I can call that will receive the token that's appended to the response.transactionResponse.secureAcceptance.SecureAcceptanceUrl for the function paypal_authorization_and_capture()? I'm currently having to reference a coo...

CC Data, PHP & PRG, and PCI Compliance

Hi, I need some sanity checks on this, using the PHP API. My current test setup is:- On the checkout page, CC info (number, expiration, CCV) is filled in on a form, then POSTed back using Post-Redirect-Get.- The CC info is processed through the authO...


getPaymentProfiles() in PHP SDK not returning defaultPaymentProfile

GetDefaultPaymentProfile() returns NULL when called on payment profiles returned by a call to customerProfile->getPaymentProfiles(). It should return 1 or 0 (true/false). The script attached at the bottom of this post reproduces the problem. Copy it ...


Android InPerson SDK Timeout and Confirm Popup formatting

Our mobile Checkout App for Android Tablet is basically working. Two issues: 1. if you don't insert the card within about 5 seconds of when it asks you to, you get a Timeout error. Is there any way to increase the time allowed? customers sometimes fu...


Self-signed certificates for Accept Hosted and the IFrameCommunicator

I've got a bit of a follow-up question to this thread on "Is SSL required for localhost development and testing". It seems, for Accept.js, that a self-signed certificate on localhost is acceptable for development and testing. With respect to the Acce...


Accept Customer Hosted Form for CIM or Accept JS

I have implemented the Accept Customer Hosted Form for CIM and recently read that Accept JS can do a similar/idential thing. Is that true? If so, is Accept JS better suited, more secure, or somehow better than the Accept Customer Hosted Form? Thanks ...