Hi All,
We've encountered a rare, but occassional issue where an AIM transaction is submitted and a failed response is received from Auth.net (ex. timeout, 500 error, etc) instead of the typical transaction response.
When a failed transaction occurrs the end user generally retrys the transaction, meanwhile the first transaction was successful, resulting in a double charge.
My question: is there a way to query Auth.net by order/invoice number submitted to confirm the transaction response?
When this issue occurs, our goal would be to requery Auth.net to confirm the status transaction originally submitted instead of returning a failed transaction (which ends with the user retrying and subsquently transaction is double charged).
Thank you in advance for your help!
03-10-2017 02:56 PM
Hi @mrleahy,
Unfortunately, there's no current way to do what you describe, but I can definitely see the usefulness in such a scenario.
I'd encourage you to post this onto our Ideas Forum where others can take a look, contribute feedback, and vote for new features.
03-13-2017 11:46 AM