Integration and Testing

Authorize.Net API questions and help with your payment integration.

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Recorded Developer Webinars Pinned

Please find the links of our recorded developer Webinars Simplify PCI Compliance with Authorize.Net Accept Learn about Authorize.Net API Integration with OAuth 2.0 Creating Automated Workflows Using Authorize.Net Webhooks Thanks Anurag


API / Features documentation Pinned

Use the features you want to build the payment solution you need. You'll be up and running in minutes. Features : SDKS : API reference :


Use Try It Tab for testing APIs on sandbox Pinned

You can test APIs from our Try it Tab in API reference on sandbox without signup Click on the Try it tab and click send .


Use Testing Guide for Specific Transaction Responses Pinned

Using the Testing Guide, developers can trigger specific transaction responses in the sandbox including approvals, declines, errors, as well as AVS and Card Code responses. If you have questions or comments, please use this thread.


Accept.js custom field

Is it possible to send a custom key with Accept.JS? We have an internal payment system and I want to associate the response with the ID of the record in our internal system.

How to get rid of the top header and visa image logos

I am using SIM and I want to make it look and feel like my site. I was going through the documentations and I fond that if I send css (code attached below for inpout field) I will be able to pass css in it. Problem is that when I do that, the form th...

US Zip Codes Solved

The AIM integration says zipcodes should only be alphanumeric. What should I do with 9-digit zipcodes entered by the customer in our shopping cart? Truncate them to 5 digits? Strip out the hyphen and pass 9 digits without the hyphen? Th...

Cannot add customer to ChargeCreditCard transaction

Hello, when i make a test transaction i want customer spot to be filled with some info.I've tried to add customer by adding CustomerDataType object to TransactionRequest but customer info does not appear in sandbox(in C# language) . What is the other...


Is ARB based transaction refunded through sandbox account ?

Hi Guys, Is ARB based transactions refunded through sandbox account. I am trying to refund ARB based transaction, but it gives me E00051 error that shows Original transaction was not issued for this payment profile. However, i am passing the correct ...

Urgent! integration to

Hi, I am a webmaster for a professional nonprofit organization which just opened an account at I have the api login id and the transaction key. The website has a form to collect all the credit card payment information. I need sample c...


API Login with LogIn ID and password

Trying to make an VB.NET app where user would log in with LogIn ID and password (rather than APILogInID and APITransactionKey), just like when using an Internet browser to charge a credit card. ApiOperationBase(Of ANetApiRequest, ANetApiResponse).Run...

Sample HTML form for reoccurring payments

I am already an customer with my business. But I am currintly expanding my business and building a new page using a subscription based model (ARB). To build this I'm using HTML and Angular on the front end and Node.js/Express.js on the ...

"Unrecognized response from AuthorizeNet: " Solved

Hello, I am getting this error message when I am using the PHP SDK: "Unrecognized response from AuthorizeNet: ". I don't quite understand why I am getting it. It seems like an error message that should never be possible to throw unless something goes...

Capture transactions in the report (sandbox)

I posted a similar question to this in an FAQ thread, but I don't think that was the right venue. I'm apologizing in advance for cluttering up your board. Anyway, this is the situation: I'm testing a software solution that we're developing which uses...


How to create duplicate subscription

Hi Guys, I am trying to create a duplicate subscription. What is the minimum time slack for creating a duplicate subscription. For single payments i may be 2 mins and it works, but not for subscription. Please help.


Check if Authorize Production server responds

I would like to do a test to see if the Authorize server responds before I submit the transaction info via relay response and DPM, and if it does not respond, then redirect to a custom error page. So I wanted to first test out something like this: Di...

What is <transHashSha2 /> ? that is return from response. Solved

When I request to charge the credit card. It gives in response . So, I'm in trouble because I used the SDKof Python and in SDK it gives error because it doesn'tfind transHashSha2 node but credit card is charged. So, We did not able to manage things f...

Customer Profiles and Tokens

I have client using with an invoicing application called RONIN and they are looking at implementing Xero (cloud accounting) with UCollect to allow automated credit card, direct debit/ACH payments triggered by Xero invoices – and using A...

Payment profiles with SIM/DPM integration

Is it possible to create secure, payment profiles to allow my users to make payments without re-entering the check/card information for every transaction? If that's not possile with SIM/DPM, what would it be possible with? Thank you.

How to pass a system in production?

Hi all,I'm writing a module to manage subscriptions with ARB on Prestashop.I have dowloaded the sdk for PHP and I'm writing my code using this library. To pass the system in production do I need to copy all the stuff of the Sdk? thank you claudio


Response Code 99

I'm upgrading an exisitng working solution and using a different language tool to generate the fingerprint. This is handy for testing because I have a working solution to test against. In the new solution I'm getting error 99. And now I'm going throu...

Alternatives to using AIM

We're in the process of re-designing our payment gateways (using Java) and one of the new requirements is to add Authorize.Net to the list of gateways for our clients. Typically our clients tend to have unusual requests or always in need of adding ad...

API response change (not the JSON change)

I am not the dev working on this but am researching for a client of ours (I'm a reseller). They've been using for 10+ years, same coding and no changes made. On Aug 2 around 3PM CST they started receiving back a different response than they ...

Multiple Merchant ID for single Transaction Solved

Hi Guys, Today i have faced one situatuion in my software for online payment process, i need to process the $120.00 amount using, but i need to get the $100.00 for One Merchant ID and $20.00 for One Merchant ID. Thanks in Advance. Thank...

accept.js - purpose Solved

So I thought accept.js was the answer to my integration. Post credit card details directly from the client browser to and it never even hits my servers. Just save the token (or nonce). But I'm finding it only works once?! If i enter a new ca...

Checkout Form with tax?

Right now, I'm using the simple checkout form. I know there's a TAX field you can enable on it, but it's not configurable. I'm needing to be able to charge a tax for the internet services I sell. I'm an ISP. Since I can't use the Simple Checkout Form...


Sandbox ASP error on POST, LIVE works Solved

Hi All, I wasa successfully using a sandbox account to test a new website payment solution. Up until a few days ago sandbox transactions were being successfully sent and responses successfully received. If I change the post to url and API credentials...