I'm fairly new with merchant account on Authorize.net. I've read through the manual and created a simple checkout button on my website to get clients' credit card information as a way to secure their appointments for my services. They would not be charged unless they miss the appointment or give me less than 24 hours notice to cancel.
I was informed that Simple Checkout only allows for automatic authorize and capture of credit cards. I need help to figure out another way to do this then...? I am using iweb for my website that's hosted by GoDaddy. No websmaster, just myself. Please help!
03-03-2012 11:05 AM
As long as the appointments are decided one way or the other within a fairly short period of time (I believe 30 days), you can authorize the transaction - thus verifying the credit card and reserving the money - and then later capture or void as necessary. SIM or DPM would work for this, depending on ease of integration vs how much control over the look of the payment form you want and whether you want the URL to be at your web site. If it might be more than 30 days, you need to integrate with CIM instead, to set up a billing profile that you can then charge at any time (assuming the credit card is still good).
From what I'm reading, however, iWeb is a WYSIWYG tool, so I'm guessing you don't have a whole lot of programming experience? Is it possible to run PHP code on your site?
03-03-2012 02:20 PM
You already lost me at "iWeb is a WYSIWYG tool......run PHP code on your site?"
My being a 'newbie' at all of this and maintaining/updating by myself is already eating up energy and time. It looks like I may just have to forgo the simple button for clients to enter CC information on their own. I may just have to get their information over the phone and enter it as an authorize-only transaction until they miss the appointment.
03-04-2012 01:19 AM
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get, or in other words a drag and drop tool for creating web pages with little to no coding experience. Don't worry, it's not absolutely necessary to know how to do everything, if you're instead willing to invest maybe a couple hundred dollars in paying someone to set up the form for you. Only technical requirements I would have, for instance, is that you have a working Authorize.net account (I assume you do?) and and that your hosting supports PHP (virtually every hosting account does, but you might want to check with your hoster).
03-04-2012 06:43 AM