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since ‎06-23-2011

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User Activity explain the reasoning behind this. If this is Cybersource policy now, I may have to start looking into alternatives and discontinue...
I got a call today from someone who has a bunch of encrypted swipers and wants to be able to integrate them using I realize that there's no interface for entering the decryption keys in - that's something that has to be n...
Since we will likely be getting at least some orders from foreign countries,'s fields are insufficient. Specifically, not all address formats fall neatly into address, city, state, zip, and for that reason we prefer to have address2 as ...
I assume there's no problem with this, but I just want to make sure. My parents' business has an account set up (including Cybersource merchant account, I believe) as of some months ago. We never got around to actually integrating it. N...
My code was working just fine with my developer account. I switched over to the production account in test mode, still worked. Now I'm testing on the production account in live mode, and every time I fill out the CIM popup (and I tried with both my c...