I am using the sample code from the CIM SDK and getting the following error
Notice: Undefined variable: request
Fatal error: Call to a member function createCustomerProfileTransaction() on a non-object
My code is as follows
// Create Auth & Capture Transaction $transaction = new AuthorizeNetTransaction; $transaction->amount = $cost; $transaction->customerProfileId = $profileId; $transaction->customerPaymentProfileId = $paymentProfileId; $response = $request->createCustomerProfileTransaction("AuthCapture", $transaction); $transactionResponse = $response->getTransactionResponse(); $CIMrespCode = $transactionResponse->response_code; $CIMrespReason = $transactionResponse->response_reason_code; $CIMrespText = $transactionResponse->response_reason_text; $CIMrespTextDB = sanitize($CIMrespText); $CIMauthType = "AUTH_CAPTURE"; $CIMtransId = $transactionResponse->transaction_id; if ($transactionResponse->approved) {...
What am I missing
08-19-2011 10:19 AM
Nevermind. I am an idiot... forgot $request = new AuthorizeNetCIM;
08-19-2011 12:05 PM