I have find that there are some tranasctions occured on production server which have status "RRC_3_11 : A duplicate transaction has been submitted." with production mode.
I need to check "RRC_3_11 : A duplicate transaction has been submitted." in sandbox mode. How can I? Is there any way bh which I can check this in sanbox mode?
08-30-2016 04:40 AM
Hello @ckpatel
You might start by taking a look at the details for RRC 11 using our response code lookup tool: https://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/responseCodes.html?code=11
It provides a list of the fields used to identify a potential duplicate transaction.
08-30-2016 09:18 AM
Hi Richard,
Thanks for the response!
Actually I am able to generate duplicate tranasction on my production system which have same details and occured within few seconds.
But I am trying to generate duplicate transaction on my test server which uses sandbox mode. I have executed so many transctions with same details with in few seconds of time. But those transcations are not consider as deuplicate tranasction. They are executed as seperate tranasction even if time gap is less than 2 minutes.
Is there any configuration for sandbox mode to generate duplicate tranaction? Thanks again.
08-30-2016 10:48 PM - edited 08-30-2016 10:52 PM
And another thing I'm just using "Environment.SANDBOX" mode not test mode in sandbox.
08-30-2016 11:12 PM
You can certainly generate duplicate transactions in the live sandbox -- it happens to me all the time during testing. If you are recreating the same situations in the sandbox that you had in production, this should happen automatically.
If you are not seeing duplicates, some possiblities are that you have not set your x_duplicate_window value or your transactions are not considered duplicates because some fields are different.
See the following url for in-depth explanations on duplicate transaction logic.
09-06-2016 08:18 AM