I'm trying to implement the CIM hosted payment popup using the code sample in the hostedProfilePaymentsShipping.zip file in ASP.NET C#.
There are instructions in above the form tag that says:
"Put this hidden form anywhere on your page with the token from the GetHostedProfilePage API call."
I haven't had any luck trying to figure out how to call the GetHostedProfilePage method. I added a web reference to https://apitest.authorize.net/soap/v1/Service.asmx in my project. I see a reference to the GetHostedProfilePage method in the web service, but am unable to call the method from code. I've got a using reference to my Authorize.NET SOAP object. Does someone have a code sample that has successfully implemented this in .NET? Thanks!
07-06-2011 01:30 PM
The token is for the hosted cim page where the customer would add/update/delete their payment info on authorize.net website. You would still do the CreateCustomerProfileTransaction on your server which do not use the token.
05-23-2013 04:12 AM