After the customer goes to payment Page
Pay and cancel button are available .If Cancel or Pay is clicked then redirected to Success or unsuccessful page by setting this in
settings[2] = new settingType();
settings[2].settingName = settingNameEnum.hostedPaymentReturnOptions.ToString();
settings[2].settingValue = "{\"showReceipt\": true, \"url\": \"" + Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["successurl"]) + "\", \"urlText\": \"Continue\", \"cancelUrl\": \"" + Convert.ToString(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["errorurl"]) + "\", \"cancelUrlText\": \"Cancel\"}";
But in the Unsuccessful page we don’t have the code from the to get the Invoice #, ref#, status and the error message.
Alternatively, when the customer clicks on PAY button, he is redirected to payment-success page but we don’t have the code for the Invoice #, Payment ref # and other parameters.
Kindly give the response code to implement in the Success/unsuccess page
04-29-2019 11:28 PM
04-30-2019 10:09 PM
Thank you for the reply.
I have checked the previous codes for webhooks iam not clear.
I need some help using i have created enpoint in sandbox panel.
After that iam not undertanding with status, name and endpoint url.
I tried placing the order it goes to payment page after entering the test credit card details takes me to success page but after that iam not understanding how the webhooks come into picture.
How can i get the transaction id in the success page using web hooks.
05-02-2019 05:06 AM
05-02-2019 05:33 PM