Hello Everyone,
It is my first time to use authorize.net. So I am sorry if my question is so obvious.
I am using the Magento 2 and enabled the Authorize.net Direct Post payment method. Now the client has reported about so many cancel orders. When I debug the issue then I found it is occurring because of the wrong billing address. Magento first creates the order with the pending state and ask the authorize.net about the payment verification. If verification goes wrong then it changes the order status to cancel.
Now my question is whether using the authorize.net api can we verify the billing address (AVS) without the order?
Please reply me.
Thank You!
Abbas Ali
โ06-21-2018 07:23 PM
Zero dollar authorizations are supported at Authorize.Net. Please check with Magento support to see if this feature is supported for their Authorize.Net module.
โ06-22-2018 12:52 PM
I am having a similar issue with your magento 2 extension https://marketplace.magento.com/authorizenet-magento-module-authorizenet.html#bv_questions
I have had to set up the settings manually but now i get errors and payments dont appear to complete just get a spinning loading wheel and the below error in console
AcceptCore.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
at b (AcceptCore.js:1)
at Object.function.a.dispatchData.a.dispatchData (AcceptCore.js:1)
at UiClass.sendPaymentDataToAnet (eval at require.load (31f4fb4d8e3a6ea7f8e0cf9ea3613c64.min.js:179), <anonymous>:5:420)
at HTMLButtonElement.eval (eval at require.load (31f4fb4d8e3a6ea7f8e0cf9ea3613c64.min.js:179), <anonymous>:360:164)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (31f4fb4d8e3a6ea7f8e0cf9ea3613c64.min.js:533)
at HTMLButtonElement.elemData.handle (31f4fb4d8e3a6ea7f8e0cf9ea3613c64.min.js:506)
b @ AcceptCore.js:1
function.a.dispatchData.a.dispatchData @ AcceptCore.js:1
sendPaymentDataToAnet @ VM19344:5
(anonymous) @ VM17583:360
dispatch @ 31f4fb4d8e3a6ea7f8e0cf9ea3613c64.min.js:533
elemData.handle @ 31f4fb4d8e3a6ea7f8e0cf9ea3613c64.min.js:506
โ07-31-2018 05:50 PM
Hi Andy,
I've had our Magento extension developers review the error details that you provided, but they unfortunately werene't able to identify the problem. Can you provide some more detail on exactly what is happening when you see the error and how to reproduce it? For example, is this happening on page load, or upon pressing the submit button with the payment data?
Any detail you can provide here may help us to try and reproduce the problem.
โ08-02-2018 11:47 AM
Having the exact same isue
Using Authorize.net's own Magento plugin, with the wizard and everything.
Checkout hangs after clicking place order.
Console says:
AcceptCore.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
at p (AcceptCore.js:1)
at b (AcceptCore.js:1)
at Object.function.a.dispatchData.a.dispatchData (AcceptCore.js:1)
at UiClass.sendPaymentDataToAnet (creditcard.js:96)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (knockout.js:3863)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5226)
at HTMLButtonElement.elemData.handle (jquery.js:4878)
at Object.trigger (jquery.js:5130)
at Object.jQuery.event.trigger (jquery-migrate.js:493)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (jquery.js:5860)
โ08-06-2018 04:36 PM
Having the exact same isue
Using Authorize.net's own Magento plugin, with the wizard and everything. Magento 2.2.5
Checkout hangs after clicking place order.
Console says:
AcceptCore.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null
at p (AcceptCore.js:1)
at b (AcceptCore.js:1)
at Object.function.a.dispatchData.a.dispatchData (AcceptCore.js:1)
at UiClass.sendPaymentDataToAnet (creditcard.js:96)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (knockout.js:3863)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5226)
at HTMLButtonElement.elemData.handle (jquery.js:4878)
at Object.trigger (jquery.js:5130)
at Object.jQuery.event.trigger (jquery-migrate.js:493)
at HTMLButtonElement.<anonymous> (jquery.js:5860)
โ08-06-2018 04:38 PM
We'd like to work with you directly to try and reproduce an issue. I've sent you a private message with my contact details so that we can work through it.
For anybody else that might be watching this thread, I'll be sure to update it as soon as we have more information.
โ08-08-2018 10:44 AM
Any progress on this error? I'm having the same issue using a different framework.
โ11-08-2018 09:12 AM
We are getting this exact same error while processing using the Authorize.net extension for Magento. I understand that you are involved with this extension. How can we fix this error?
โ03-07-2019 08:35 AM
โ03-07-2019 10:07 AM