I am completely new for Authorize.net and I am not able to find any step by step guide for beginners on Authorize website or anywhere else. Thus I am asking this question here and expect for some beginners level help that will help me to get started.
This is very basic process flow of my website :
So I have couple of questions based on above process flow.
http://developer.authorize.net/hello_world/ (If you are configured to use composer, you can include the package by adding the following code to your composer.json file and running composer update.) - This sentence is mentioned in above provided link. So is it compulsory to use composer with any of payment integration method?
Thank you very much in advance.
09-05-2016 10:44 PM
Hello @kra091978
We would encourage you to review our API Documentation and API Reference to learn more about the features and how to use them. In regards to your question about Composer, it is only required if you use the PHP SDK. If you use the Authorize.Net API you do not need composer.
09-06-2016 08:09 AM
Thank you for your reply. Your answer cleared things about Composer. But I need to clear one more thing to start integration. Please reply for this.
1) If we use Authorize API (not SDK PHP), then do we need to prepare form on our website to collect buyer’s personal, contact, shipping and credit card info and send them to Authorize.net in XML format at this link https://api.authorize.net/xml/v1/schema/AnetApiSchema.xsd like given in "Try It" tab on http://developer.authorize.net/api/reference/index.html. Please confirm this.
Thank you again,
09-07-2016 10:43 PM
09-08-2016 06:24 AM
Hello @RichardH,
Thank you very much for your response.
We have completed form programming to collect buyer information along with credit card information. Now we have all required data available on page called for example checkout_p.php page to send to Authorize.net website.
But again we have few questions and we can not move ahead until these questions are cleared. Please reply for them.
1) We know how to create XML file (.xml file) in PHP but here I guess we need to convert required data in XML format (not .xml file) and send them to Authorize.net. So how can we do this? Please either provide reference links or give some guidance so we can study and do necessary programming here.
2) Will cURL and / or SimpleXml_load_string functions be used any how in XML request or response any? Please let us know.
Thank you again,
09-09-2016 03:50 AM