Hi _ i've been tasked getting authroise.net to work with a legacy winforms app.
I have integrated the paymentform ok and that seems to be working - I used a WebView2 and the Accpeted Hosted method. Pointing a webhook back to our api. But clunky but it is working.
Now I have to get a PAX S80 PDQ machine working with the POS software. So far I can' see anything to help. Has anyone managed to get a POS terminal working other than the one they mention. The SDK looks like it only works with that one?
I have emailed support who were completely useless - not even knowing what a winforms app was - they said to contact winforms they might be able help!!
Thanks forum
08-14-2023 12:52 AM
I Steven,
If telephone support can't help, and no one responds here, keep searching (google, duck-duck-go, etc.).
Stackoverflow or other such places may be more active, responsive than here for your specific question.
08-18-2023 10:58 AM