I'm writing a java application using the Java SDK (AIM).
I try to create a method which handles partial authorization transaction.
I set x_allow_partial_auth=true by using merchant.setAllowPartialAuth(true);
and then created a transaction by using AUTH_ONLY.
The transaction was approved and I successfully got the transaction ID.
But I don't know how to get and access the values of x_psplit_tender_id, x_prepaid_balance_on_card, x_prepaid_requested_amount, x_split_tender_staus for the transaction.
And the value of responseMap for the transaction was always null.
Can someone please answer this for me??
Transaction authCaptureTransaction = merchant.createAIMTransaction(TransactionType.AUTH_ONLY, new BigDecimal(amount));
Result<Transaction> result = (Result<Transaction>) merchant.postTransaction(authCaptureTransaction);
String splitTenderID = result.getTarget().getResponseField(ResponseField.SPLIT_TENDER_ID); <- return null
09-18-2013 04:43 PM
If you are using a test account, use the test trigger
Also, read the partial authorization documentation, it might not be what you think it does.
09-18-2013 05:09 PM