Hi, we are building an application for a shoppping cart in Shopify that uses Autheorize.net
We need to be able to split a purchase into several payments. Right now, the merchant authorizes the transaction for the full amount, then captures only the first payment amount and creates an ARB in their Auth.net account for the ramining payments.
We can automatically capture the first payment but the store obviously does not keep the CC information. So how can we either run the additional transactions or create an ARB? we have the order and customer information and can probably get the transaction ID, but both the CIM and ARB APIs need the credit card information.
Is there a way to create the ARB based on that initial transaction without the credit card information?
Thank you!
08-25-2011 11:31 AM
What's wrong with charging the first payment and setting up an ARB at the same time for the remaining payments? I don't understand the problem. Do you not have access to the initial signup code or something?
08-25-2011 01:39 PM
No I don't. The first payment is set up by the shopping cart (Shopify). I have to create the ARB after the fact. I have the Transaction ID, but that is about it.
08-26-2011 06:10 AM
Well then you're doomed unless you're able to modify the shopping cart itself. Do a find in all the cart files for the AIM function call, then seen if you can track that back to where the ARB code needs to be added. An alternative might be to convert all AIM instances to CIM (Customer Information Manager) with immediate charging, which would allow you to then do follow-up charges using a separate script if you wanted to as long as the customer profile ID is stored somewhere.
08-26-2011 09:38 AM