We have been using Woocommerce, Mijireh and Authorize.net since 2014. Everything was working fine with credit card payments till a half year ago.
I am now getting this error:
Whoops! Please fix the problems below:
Order failed: The Global Payment System identification numbers are incorrect. Call Merchant Service Provider
Order Reason code: 38
I have default theme and all plugins except woocommerce and mijireh disabled.
I followed the directions for API Login ID and Transaction ID from authorize.net, https://support.authorize.net/authkb/index?page=content&id=A405
and referenced these forum discussion from authorize.net, https://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/Integration-and-Testing/Transaction-error-response-2-re...
I have contacted Mirijeh support and they said:
"This error is coming directly from your payment gateway account, and it means there is a problem with the credentials you are using to connect from Mijireh to your Payment Gateway, the information provided on the Gateways page of your Mijireh account. Please check with your payment gateway to make sure you have the correct API credentials to connect to your account. Make sure you specify that you need API credentials, usually this will be different from the User/Password you use to log into your account on their website."
Its obliviously a bug between Mirijeh and Authorize.net that should be addressed by your guys tech team and at the very least have better documentation.
The url is:
Any ideas what the issue is?
โ08-07-2016 08:34 PM
Hello @mchavezi
I would start by calling your merchant service provider to ensure that your configuration is correct.
โ08-08-2016 06:07 AM