Hi all,
I complete implement relay response with http (port 80) and I can get Authorize.net payment gateway response as follow.
I have a question, is "x_trans_id" can query by my device? I mean, is Authorize.Net provide any API let my device query x_trans_id whether it exists in Authorize.Net or not?
I provide the scenario and topology:
(my device) ----------------------> (Authorize.Net)
1. user redirect to Authorize.Net and input payment information (credit card , first name, last name, … etc.)
2. “submit” and Authorize.Net start Relay Response
3. my device get response as above
4. my device check x_trans_id exists in Authorize.Net or not?
5. if x_trans_id exists in Authorize.Net, ………..
Louis Liao
04-09-2013 02:42 AM
You can check it in the merchant account, or use the API http://developer.authorize.net/api/transaction_details/
04-09-2013 04:28 AM
Hi, RaynorC1emen7
Thank you for your reply.
I use this solution, that is, I use XML GetTransactionDetails, but I got the following message
HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 03:21:24 GMT
Location: /
Content-Length: 252
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
html head
title 302 Found /title
/head body
h1 Found /h1
p The document has moved a href="/" here /a . /p
address Server at apitest.authorize.net Port 443 /address
/body /html
do I have wrong settings?
Thank you so much.
04-09-2013 08:28 PM
can't tell from just that output. Can you post your code and the xml?
04-10-2013 04:13 AM
Hi RaynorC1emen7:
I resolve the issue.
the root cause is that some information I forget adding into the packet before I "POST" it.
Thank you very much.
04-10-2013 07:39 PM