Hi. I need some help with the authorize.net SIM Sample Code for ColdFusion. The sample form is great, but I need to modify the form to include other information, such as:
First Name
Last Name
Different payment values
and so on.
I notice that the values in the SIM Sample Code are "hard-coded" using the <cfset> tag. Examples:
<cfset loginID="xxxxxxx">
<cfset transactionKey="yyyyyyy">
<cfset amount="19.99">
<cfset description="Conference Registration Form">
<cfset label="Submit Payment"> <!--- This is the label on the 'submit' button --->
<cfset testMode="false">
When I try to set up (for example) a form field for Last Name:
<cfset LastName="#form.LastName#">
<cfoutput><INPUT type="hidden" name="x_last_name" value="#LastName#" /></cfoutput>
... the output to authorize.net is ... empty. No data.
Has anyone here been able to develop an authorize.net SIM form to include variables like First Name, Last Name, Registration Fees, and so on?
If so, can you show me an example?
My client is hoping I can show her a working authorize.net payment form early this week. =) Thanks very much for your help.
08-17-2014 09:20 PM
Hello EricBourland
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08-20-2014 08:34 AM