Hey everyone.
I just got done with the most brutal steps (custom customer system and payment system + transaction approvals) of my first ever AIM integration between my custom site and Authorize.net.
Now, for the final step, the receipt/error page.
Does anyone have a look up table for these transaction response (reason) codes? I am really hoping that I do not have to do 200+ entries manually.
08-12-2012 11:04 PM
Just thought about it. Is there an API for looking up the response (reason) codes? Maybe I just missed it.
08-12-2012 11:05 PM
Hi shanejeffery54,
At times, we change our response reason text to clarify the meaning of certain errors or expand an error definition to encompass new responses being returned from the banking networks. The Response Reason Text is therefore not completely static and should not be hardcoded into a system. As such, we do not provide a static file for download containing a list of response reason codes and the associated text.
08-15-2012 04:08 PM