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Sandbox is down

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this, but it seems the authorize environment is down. I can't reach the pages that access the API, which tells me I should probably fix that on my end, but this lets you know that it is down. :)


"This work is scheduled to start at 9:00pm Pacific and last for up to 90 minutes."

I can get into

but get connection errors: 'Connection error: couldn't connect to host (7)' for at least an hour.

Not sure if it will keep working, but after 3 hours (not 90 minutes and not at 9pm Pacific time), I was able to connect again. Nothing changed on my end.

This kind of thing really screws me up, because I'm relatively new to coding and I spend hours messing with my code, thinking I did something wrong.

There was no notice on

the status update said Sandbox was up

& the notice that was posted said it would be at 9pm Pacific time, not 2:15 pm.


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