I want to wrap the Simple Checkout process in an iFrame on my website -- the code is very simple, although I was told by Authorize.net support that this isn't possible. Not sure why it wouldn't be possible.
So, (1) is it possibe (I can't imagine why not, and (2) if it is possible, what are the PCI implications, if any? Should I activate SSL on my page just be be safe?
11-12-2013 12:37 PM
1)I don't see why you can't try it. But the question would be why would you put it in a iframe.
11-13-2013 04:44 AM
Could I ask for an example of how to create an iframe for the payment page?
I know how to create an iframe but the simple payment button I created has the link id value that I suppose would have to be added to the url?
<form action="https://Simplecheckout.authorize.net/payment/CatalogPayment.aspx" method="post" name="PrePage"><input name="LinkId" type="hidden" value="xxxxxxx-xxxx-41a4-963c-e6e99bbc84de" /> <input type="submit" value="Make Payment" /> </form>
06-13-2014 12:03 PM