I've been looking all over and can't seem to get a proper response to a question I have.
The situation is this, I have a purchase of $10.00 and I need to split that purchase between my account and another account. The closest I've seen to doing this is here: https://community.developer.authorize.net/t5/Integration-and-Testing/Split-Invoice-problem/m-p/13218...
But, it's just a problem being shown and not how the process was being created. I'm using CustomerPaymentProfile to process cards, but now I need to split the amount between two accounts. (Is this done before the "authCaptureTransaction" transaction type or after? What other calls need to be made to put the funds in the correct accounts?)
How can this be achieved?
Thank you in advance for any guidance.
06-28-2018 07:03 PM
It would be nice if one of the Authorize.net developers would answer this question for me. It's a serious issue that needs to be resolved before I go production with my product. I chose Authorized.net because I was told you did these types of transactions.
07-01-2018 02:53 PM
Hello @SilkySully
Authorize.Net does not currently support this type of payment, but it's a good suggestion.
You are welcome to post this as a new feature using our Ideas forum. This will allow others to vote on and make suggestions to improve the request.
07-01-2018 04:00 PM
Hi @SilkySully
Can you email me at developer_feedback@authorize.net with more details on your use cases ?
We are working on a new feature to share the customer profiles among accounts using OAuth which may be helpful in this case I believe.
07-01-2018 11:31 PM
Why are we introducing OAuth?
I already know whom I'm splitting the payment with and have their CustomerProfileId and PaymentProfileId.
I have two companion apps (Fan and Performer) and each communicate with each other. Both set up accounts with Authorize.net and the server keeps track of each CustomerProfileId (CPI) and PaymentProfileId (PPI).
When the Fan sends money to the Performer, the performer CPI (or PPI) will be credited with their percentage and I will get mine.
No need for OAuth or anything. I just need some way to credit the Performer account and leave what's left to my account.
Thank you,
07-10-2018 02:13 PM
I had the same question. There's not built-in way to do it. I ended up having to 'keep' the credit card data in browser memory and just submit it once per account.
07-10-2018 02:45 PM
Hello leehinde,
From your statement you said you were, "submitting once per account"
Can you clarify something for me?
Are you able to accept a transaction and then credit a different account than the one that is yours?
07-11-2018 08:58 AM
07-19-2018 08:55 AM