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Testing the Account Updater in sandbox with test account


We have enabled Account Updater in our sandbox during month of September and as mentioned in the forum to test the changes in Sandbox we can use following cards.

4000001864810239 NAN

5111111015486814 NAN


We made payments using the above cards and still we are unable to see the change in the card number for our testing.


Any help would be appreciated.


From the testing guide I see the following:


"The Account Updater process in the developer sandbox runs at the same frequency as in production (once per month). Results are available the following month. There is no function to manually trigger an update."


On February 5th, we put in all of the card numbers to generate expected results. From what I can tell by looking at the payment profiles, the updates ran. However, when I look at the account updater in the Sandbox UI, I can only query up to Januray where there are not updates. If I use the API directly and call to February I see the changes I expect. Is there a plan to update the UI to show the latest run as soon as it is done?