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since ‎10-02-2017

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Is JakartaEE support available in anet-java-sdk. I am using version 1.9.4 for the java sdk. am trying to upgrade tomcat 10 and it is complaining about the javax.xml.binding. Find below stack trace: j...
Hi,Suddenly we have been seeing that all our transactions in the sandbox is showing the status as Authorized/Pending Capture instead of Captured/Pending Settlement. Did anything changes in sandbox?We have customer who are seeing the same in prod too?
Hi,We are currently using java sdk version 1.9.4 using CIM.I want to know if this version is still supported. If not can you please provide me the versions that are supported and the timeline when those versions will be deprecated or no...
Hi,We are using CIM for payments using anet-java-sdk:1.9.4Our customer recently contacted us stating they have received an email from about COF and MIT mandates.It states that if we are using our Customer Information Manager (CIM) servi...
Hi,We have enabled Account Updater in our sandbox during month of September and as mentioned in the forum to test the changes in Sandbox we can use following cards.4000001864810239 NAN5111111015486814 NAN We made payments using the above cards and st...
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