I am already using the PG-only option on my website and now working to add a Third-party mobile Pos Card reader to my system. The card reader is having data with following key and algo:
Key Management: DUKPT, MK/SK
Encryption Algorithm: 3DES,DES, AES,RSA
Read data in following format:
CardNumber: 424020******5220 CardType: NFC CardexpiryDate: 2033 CardSerial: 03 CVM: 1FL000 ICData: 9F2608CAA202049A56FNBA9F2701809F100706021203A00P009F3704E07009D19F36020112950500000000009A032110319C01009F02060000000012005F2A020000820220009F1A0200009F3501009S1E0841423132333435368407A00000000310109F0902008C9F41030000229F6E04207000005F3401035F200F43415244484F4C4445522F564953419F0607A00000000310109F1B040KC000009F66042200C0009F6O0420700000 TSN: AK14345678701234 Tracks: EncryTracks: 6C23E457AADEA06C739CB0C32350609F20964D77DE1F88EF0CD7DC1903A8B88B
Now my questions are:
1. Does autorize.net support the above encryption and key management?
2. If yes how could I link my card reader with authorize.net PG?
10-31-2021 10:18 PM