I integrated Authorize.net CIM in a Rails application using the ActiveMerchant gem.
I'm using this code to charge the users, so this is an example of the request that I make with amount of 40.
response = gateway.create_customer_profile_transaction(transaction: {
type: :auth_capture,
amount: 40.0,
customer_profile_id: 'the profile id..',
customer_payment_profile_id: 'payment profile id...',
order: {
invoice_number: 'Invoice123123',
description: 'invoice info'
the response's Response Code is successful and I get approval code too.
The problem is that the amount in the response is 0 and the Acount Number is empty. This happens only for one of the users.
Do you know why this behaviour happens?
08-19-2015 09:03 AM
Hello @viktor
Is this transaction in production or the sandbox? Are you able to lookup the transaction in the merchant interface?
08-21-2015 10:01 AM
hi @RichardH,
Thanks for your response.
This is a transaction in production.
In the merchant interface it says that the transaction status is voided.
How can I see that through the response in code and why it shows successful?
08-25-2015 12:10 PM