I am using OSC 2.2 and Authorize.net SIM module. And its working process is when Authorize.net sends the reponse code is '1' then order is recorded in our database but when it is '2' or '3' order is not recorded and considered as payment failure. We have also disabled the double click option on submit button for preventing duplicate order.
Recently in my Authorize.net transaction history page, two transactions are listed with same order id with different order amount.
The time interval between the two transactions is 30 mintues. Second order amount is recorded in my order history page , but first order is not recorded.
Why has this issue occured?
If I enable Authorize.net's Receipt Auto-eMailer, will there be any problem in transaction process?
What are the changes required in Authorize.net account settings, so that Merchant and Customer both will recieve Auto-eMailer Receipt email?
Please let me know ASAP.
04-10-2018 07:19 AM
04-11-2018 07:29 AM